
The MV-22�s OPEVAL began this month and through the spring of 2000, the Multi-Service Operational Test Team (MOTT), comprised of Marine and Air Force pilots, aircrew, maintenance personnel, operations analysts and flight engineers, will be evaluating the MV-22�s readiness to join the fleet. This squadron of independent testers will use the first four low rate initial production aircraft for about 700 flight hours during 350 sorties to conduct extensive operationally representative missions from air capable ships, airfields, remote sites, confined areas and major range and test facilities.
V-22 OPEVAL的部署地点包括北卡罗来纳州和亚利桑那州的海军陆战队航空站,佛罗里达州Hurlburt战场的空军特种作战司令部,加利福尼亚州的海军空战中心武器分部,以及位于每个海岸的有能力的空中舰艇。根据Lt.Col。吉姆·谢弗,莫特的副主任,这些
操作评估/ V-22位被选中,因为他们有不同的气候,海拔,并有配套的资产,让莫特评估MV-22互操作与其他平台如何包括CH-46,CH-53,歼-18,AV-8和海军和空军加油机。
虽然这个评价是海军MV-22,特种作战部队(SOF)任务的部分将进行评估。由于CV-22空军变种,虽然还没有在生产中,与MV-22 90%的普通,莫特将使用这个评估期,以评估特定于SOF领域。They will use Hurlburt Field to test the Osprey�s interoperability with special operations personnel and its compatibility with airfield assets, resources and special equipment.
�At each of these sites, the Osprey will be evaluated on many levels. People tend to place emphasis on what the pilots think about how the aircraft handles and performs its mission, but we also have to evaluate how reliable and maintainable it is, how often it need repairs and how long the repairs take,� said Shaffer.
The Osprey�s performance will be graded against established requirements for this evaluation period. Each time a pilot conducts a flight or a maintainer makes a repair, for example, they must grade the mission or task. This is done via the V-22 Questionnaire Tool (VQT), a computer based program that will be used to collect a wide spectrum of operational data. This tool was designed to produce different types of questionnaires that are tailored to specific events according to Capt. Mac Blythe, a MOTT operations analyst who helped design the VQT. �The pilots and enlisted crewmembers will answer questions about how effective the V-22 was in performing a particular event. Likewise, maintainers will evaluate maintenance actions they complete. In addition to these questionnaires, evaluators periodically have to answer more in-depth questions about human factors, safety, training and operational and maintenance issues,� said Blythe.
同时通过VQT收集的数据是比较主观的,布莱斯表示,他们将能够通过航空电子数据总线录像机和视频/音频记录包飞机上捕获目标数据。These three sources will provide the primary means of measuring the Osprey�s performance.
After OPEVAL is completed and the data is gathered, the MOTT will prepare a report with an evaluation of the MV-22�s suitability and effectiveness for operational use. The Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force and the Commander, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center will review the report and make a decision about whether the MV-22 successfully completed OPEVAL. Successful completion is required to support the full rate production decision scheduled for FY-01. Plans call for the Marine Corps to purchase 350 MV-22s and the Air Force to buy 50 CV-22s.