
日期= 7/26 / 1999类型=记者报告标题=科恩 - 战斗机(仅限L-oply)Number = 2-252154按键= Jim Randle Dateline = Tokyo Content =介绍:国防部长威廉科恩说他会努力努力获得国会为了恢复有争议的下一代空军战斗机的钱。来自F-22(Jet)计划的U-S of代表的众议院切碎了一点点八十亿美元;参议院早些时候批准了资金。F-22“猛禽”的支持者表示,这将是世界上有史以来最好的战斗机。批评者说这将是最昂贵的。V-O-A的Jim Randle报告。ReportsReports发言:科恩先生说,他将尽可能多地与国会成员举行会议,特别是那些在会议委员会就必须解决辩护支出票据的房屋和参议院版本之间的差异。科恩先生说,他会告诉议员预算削减将导致昂贵的延误和可能杀死复杂的计划。科恩先生说,F-22旨在清除敌机的天空 - 使U-S间谍飞机和轰炸机可以达到严重辩护的目标。 He says without the F-22, those bombers will need expensive upgrades to survive any conflict. And Mr. Cohen says the cost of killing the Raptor may be measured in American pilots' lives. /// COHEN ACT /// Our pilots will be flying F-15's and that's technology we developed back in the late 60's and early 70's. It has been upgraded to be sure, but they will be flying aircraft that are considerably older than we think is wise. /// END ACT /// But congressional critics of the F-22 say it may cost 200-million dollars per plane, several times the price of current fighters that performed well recently over Iraqi and Yugoslav skies. They also point out the F-22 is one of three different combat aircraft currently under development in the United States. The others include a new bomber and a major upgrade for the Navy's best fighter plane. The programs could cost a total of 340-billion dollars, which some members of Congress say is more than the United States can afford. ///REST OPT /// Mr. Cohen spoke to reporters on a flight to Tokyo, where he will meet with Japan's prime minister and defense minister to talk about concerns that North Korea may test-launch a new, more-powerful ballistic missile and about the strained relations between Taiwan and China. Later, Mr. Cohen travels to South Korea, Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia for further talks. (signed) neb/jr/jo/rrm 26-Jul-1999 08:55 AM LOC (26-Jul-1999 1255 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .