
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio, June 11, 1999 -- An MV-22 Osprey was delivered to Bell Helicopter Textron�s Arlington, Texas, facility June 7 to be remanufactured into the CV-22, the Air Force version of the tiltrotor aircraft. This aircraft, a representative of future production models, will be used as a flight test vehicle.
MV-22第9号为四个工程之一,制造与开发(EMD)海军陆战队鱼鹰已经在海军航空武器中心进行了飞行试验 - 在海军航空站帕塔克森特河,马里兰州飞机分部(NAWC-AD)。目前有来自航空系统中心10名空军经理分配到海军设施,其中飞机正在采购。这些经理们支持的50架CV-22为空军采购。
�They�re basically going to strip it (the MV-22) down and rebuild it to the CV-22 specifications,� said Maj. Scott LeMay, CV-22 deputy program manager. �It�s going to have CV-22 production wiring and all CV-22-unique systems.� The Air Force is acquiring the Ospreys to replace its fleet of MH-53J Pave Low helicopters used to insert and extract special operations forces covertly from hostile areas.
鱼鹰的空军版将集成射频对抗(SIRFC),其中包括有源干扰的套房。SIRFC可以利用地理位置定位使用其导弹告警接收机一体化的实时智能的威胁,以及从多任务先进战术终端(MATT)。�All of this information is shown to the pilot on a digital map,� LeMay said.
�The idea is to get in and out undetected, but if the aircraft is detected it is very survivable. All of the critical areas will be hardened against ballistic attack, and there will be a chaff-and-flare dispense capability.�
在CV-22和其对应的海洋之间的其他区别包括地形跟踪/地形回避雷达(TF / TA),的燃料容量的额外900加仑,绳梯,一个幸存者定位器系统,以及附加的无线电设备和升级的计算机。
�We�ll put it through its paces by basically doing a mock deployment,� LeMay explained. �This is to make sure that it meets what�s required in the Operational Requirements Document (ORD), and that it is operationally effective and suitable.�
另一EMD MV-22,第7号,将开始被修改到CV-22的配置7月1日修改比再制造过程不那么广泛,并且将主要涉及加入辅助油箱和TF / TA雷达。这架飞机定于贝尔直升机公司飞行研究中心,德克萨斯州阿林顿,在12月份的第一次飞行。在2000年5月,将被移交给空军的TF / TA雷达系统的开发试验。
波音公司和贝尔直升机公司制造的鱼鹰。波音公司将生产机身及所有子系统,数字航空电子设备,并在其费城的工厂飞线传飞行控制系统。The aircraft then will be transported by C-17 to Bell Helicopter Textron�s new Amarillo, Texas, facility for the wing, transmissions, tail section, rotor systems, and engine installation.