


作者(年代):理查德·a·福斯特;Donald R. McBrayer(教师顾问)


文摘:空军和海军战术空军在历史上一直存在整合问题。这些问题的部分原因是由于服务之间的竞争、互操作性问题、指挥和控制结构的差异,以及服务之间缺乏理解和信任而产生的对抗性思维。这些摩擦在我们国家的许多战争中造成了问题,导致我们的共同防御伙伴关系不太理想。完成这项研究的目的是突出各服务之间的一些摩擦领域,并就如何解决这些摩擦提出建议。本研究采用历史资料研究、文献回顾、理论分析和对两军现役飞行员的访谈来完成。重点放在两个军种的整合上,以及它们在过去的战斗情况下如何协同工作。对联合学说和文献进行了审查,以评估它们应该如何协同工作,以及它们如何协同工作。这项研究的一些局限性是:某些技术领域的分类水平妨碍深入分析,部门间竞争的一些社会文化方面不适合以这种形式进行审查,关于这个具体主题领域的书面材料很少。联合训练不足是一个问题,这可能是目前两个军种的行动速度的结果。设备的互操作性问题,特别是数据链路设备,以及力被认为是摩擦的来源。 Navy procedures for limiting the use of essential training equipment such as chaff, flares, and radar-warning gear to only fleet assigned aircraft and those working up for sea duty was also identified as a problem. The two services different "languages" in the aviation community is a source of friction. And finally, the two services' mindsets are adversarial, not cooperative in nature. There are several recommended methods of addressing these problems. One recommended method is to stand up permanent Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) staff organizations on each of the regional Commander In Chief's (CINC's) staffs. Second, joint exercise programs should be revised to increase the quantity of joint training, preferably including the permanent regional JFACC staffs to fully integrate the air operations system during these exercises. Third, hardware interoperability problems need to be corrected, including data link systems, which need to be designed and implemented in cooperation instead of in isolation by each service. Fourth, the two services need to agree on a common aviation "language" to reduce a source of friction and confusion. Finally, each of the services needs to make significant strides towards honoring the intent and spirit of the Joint Publications series and the Goldwaters-Nichols act, which sought to improve inter-service relations and cooperation. This mindset change needs to start at the top of each service and work down to the lowest ranking serviceman/woman serving. Once attitudes change towards the "spirit" of jointness, then all of the other changes will be enabled and will have a much greater chance of succeeding.
