FAS|军事|DOD 101|设备|海军港口||||指数|搜索|加入FAS

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海军驻地费城在1991年的国防基地关闭与重组委员会(BRAC)的reccomendation关闭。费城海军情结包括费城海军医院(NAVHOSP),费城海军站(NAVSTA)和费城海军造船厂(PNSY)。基地调整和1988年和1990年关闭(BRAC)分别规定NAVHOSP和NAVSTA的关闭,并放置在PNSY在一个封闭的和保留状态。1995年,BRAC IV excessed以前确定为保存状态PNSY财产,而不是需要支持的剩余活动。基于整体民用就业的变化,BRAC进程似乎已下跌最沉重的加利福尼亚州,宾夕法尼亚州和新泽西州。这三个国家中,只有加州有与攻防转换和社会援助的具体责任发达的国家级办事处。

费城海军情结位于特拉华州和斯库尔基尔河的交汇处。确定了出售该物业包括1153英亩,与PNSY占266亩,海军基地(NAVBASE)979英亩(NAVBASE拥有的土地,而NAVSTA拥有的大部分建筑)。前者NAVBASE包括凯普哈特房屋(13英亩)面积。另一个关闭基地的包裹是在原医院(49英亩)及其配套用房。The BRAC 95 �footprint� was developed to segregate retained property from excess property. The retained land is identified as Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division - Ships Systems Engineering Station (NSWCCD-SSES), includes the Norfolk Naval Shipyard Detachment (NNSY-DET) Naval Foundry and Propeller Center; certain waterfront facilities under the cognizance of the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility (NISMF); Public Works Center San Francisco Detachment Philadelphia (PWC DET); the Naval Bureau of Medicine (BUMED); and the Naval Fleet and Industrial Supply Center (FISC). sites, Sites 3, 6, 7 and 15, referred to as PCB Sites, underwent an Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and were under a Record of Decision (ROD). Two phases of remedial action were required. An amended ROD was signed in 1995 to revise the second phase. This amended ROD saved approximately $1.4 million in remedial costs. The remediation at Sites 3, 6, 7 and 15 is completed, and 13 sites are Response Complete.

宾夕法尼亚州联邦投资超过$ 500,000翻新在费城海军商业中心休眠大楼和码头到一个新的邮轮码头,以满足世界邮轮市场。由于费城和卡姆登,负责使用新的邮轮码头,以管理新工厂,市场城市和国家旅游目的地的旅客春末1998年该端口的终端,其首次在特拉华河,一直运行航行,并从百慕大,加拿大大西洋省份,东部海岸和加勒比海地区。


FAS|军事|DOD 101|设备|海军港口||||指数|搜索|加入FAS
