

华盛顿,2000年10月13日——又有三名水兵在也门亚丁发生的针对美国“科尔”号驱逐舰的恐怖袭击中丧生。这使死亡人数达到7人。又有10名水手失踪。海军已经确认了遇难者和失踪人员的身份。遇难者包括:宾夕法尼亚州莫里斯维尔的一级电子技术员理查德·科斯特洛;信号员水手新兵Cheron Ouis Gunn,雷克斯,佐治亚州;弗吉尼亚州诺福克的海员詹姆斯·罗德里克·麦克丹尼尔斯;海军新兵Lakiba Nicole Palmer,圣地亚哥;弗吉尼亚州林戈尔德的二级作战专家蒂莫西·拉蒙特·桑德斯;海军少尉Andrew Triplett,梅肯,密西西比州和水手学徒Craig Bryan Wibberley,威廉波特,马里兰州。失踪人员包括:船身维修三等技术员Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter,弗吉尼亚州,Mechanicsville; Mess Management Specialist Seaman Lakeina Monique Francis, Woodleaf, N.C.; Information Systems Technician Seaman Timothy Lee Gauna, Rice, Texas; Engineman Second Class Mark Ian Nieto, Fond Du Lac, Wis.; Electronics Warfare Technician Third Class Ronald Scott Owens, Vero Beach, Fla.; Engineman Fireman Joshua Langdon Parlett, Churchville, Md.; Fireman Apprentice Patrick Howard Roy, Cornwall on Hudson, N.Y.; Electronics Warfare Technician Second Class Kevin Shawn Rux, Portland, N.D.; Mess Management Specialist Third Class Ronchester Mananga Santiago, Kingsville, Texas and Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis, Jr., Rockport, Texas. While not confirming a terrorist attack, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark said he can't imagine what else could have caused the damage. Cohen said that while the United States could not definitively prove terrorism, "If ... we determine that terrorists attacked our ship and killed our sailors, then we will not rest until we have tracked down those who are responsible for this vicious and cowardly act." Cohen extended his sympathies to the families of those killed, missing or wounded in the incident. "All Americans can be proud of the men and women who protect our country around the world," he said during a Pentagon news conference. "The world is safer because of their service, and their dedication to our ideals of freedom and security makes their loss even more painful." The 35 sailors injured in the incident have all been medically evacuated, Navy officials said. French transports evacuated 11 sailors to a hospital in Djibouti. The other 22 are being evacuated to a Landstuhl Army Hospital in Germany. The search is still underway for the sailors listed as missing in the explosion. An FBI team is on its way to Aden. "The team consists of evidence collection experts, investigators and forensics experts," said Steven Barry, supervisory special agent in the FBI's National Press Office. The agents come from field offices, headquarters and the FBI Academy in Quantico, Va. Barry said the team would be able to assess whether the incident was an act of terrorism. The FBI team will work with agents from the Naval Investigative Service. The FBI Legal Attache based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is also on the site. "Three P-3 Orion's with medical personnel, Explosive Ordnance disposal specialists and Navy investigators are in Yemen to begin to determine a cause for the incident," Navy officials said. Navy officials said flooding aboard the ship is contained, and the Cole is listing to port at 4 degrees. Two Navy ships are en route to Aden and expect to arrive there Oct. 13. The CNO said the Cole followed all security procedures when it arrived in Yemen. "Their threat condition posture was threat condition Bravo," Clark said during a Pentagon news conference Oct. 12. "I have talked to the [commander Fifth Fleet in Bahrain] a number of times today and reviewed the bidding on this, and they were in the posture that they were required to be in for this threat condition and entering this port, which would include armed personnel topside." U.S. ships have refueled in Aden 12 times in past year, Navy officials said. Cohen said the attack would not stop the United States from its search for peace in the region. "The United States is a global power with global responsibilities, and as a result, we face global risks," he said. "In the wake of this tragedy, I want to be very clear about one point. We will continue to protect our national interests around the world, in the Middle East, and elsewhere. No one should doubt our resolve to remain a force for peace and for stability, and no one should assume that they can force us to retreat. No one should assume they can attack us with impunity."