

吉姆Garamone美军新闻服务华盛顿,2000年10月12日 - 四个水手都死了,35人受伤,12人失踪之后在也门亚丁的驱逐舰科尔号恐怖袭击10月12日。目击者所述的橡胶快艇帮助破坏者沼地分解沿着船,通过40-脚孔在水线左侧开口20英尺。海军官员说,已经在船舶工程空间广泛的洪水和损害控制继续努力。这些官员说,伤亡已被转移到当地医院。他们说,在受伤的35的医疗后送决定将在逐案基础上作出。一些列情况严重。美国中央司令部官员说,C-9南丁格尔空中救护已经从德国出动。此外,载有15名海军医护人员的飞机已经离开亚丁来自巴林,总部的美国第五舰队。如需要更多的人员将被发送。科尔是在亚丁加油,并绑在码头时,袭击事件发生在上午12点15分本地时间。 Its stop was unannounced; officials said refueling normally takes five to six hours. The destroyer, part of the George Washington Carrier Battle Group, was on its way to the Persian Gulf after transiting the Red Sea. The ship was due to join the Maritime Intercept Operation in the gulf. No terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack yet, said Navy officials. The Cole's home port is Norfolk, Va. Families that desire information should call 1 800 368-3202. Officials stress the number is intended only for families of the Cole's crew. Fifth Fleet officials said they are working to get information about the crew back to Norfolk as soon as they can. The Cole is an Arleigh Burke-class Aegis guided-missile destroyer. It was commissioned in 1996. Manning calls for 26 officers and 315 sailors. The ship was in the middle of a six-month deployment. It left Norfolk June 21 and was due back home on Dec. 21.