
USAF TACSBattle Management:
Preparing for High Tempo Future Operations

Major C.B. Miller, United States Air Force

2076 South Street


标题:USAF TACS战斗管理:为高节奏的未来操作做准备

作者:美国空军官员C.B. Miller少校


背景:在沙漠风暴之前进行战争的概念方法在大多数情况下是非常顺序的。在每个阶段的顺序上对操作进行了非常具体的约束测序,该步骤在该步骤之前,操作沿着相当设定的时间表进行。从本质上讲,这是对武装冲突进行的基础方法。剥离洋葱的类比非常接近描述战争的历史方法。从外层开始,然后依次朝着心脏工作。根据一些学者的说法,沙漠风暴,战争每个人都说如此革命性,其行动与以往一样。这种步进的方法将试图以约翰·沃登上校在他的现代民族国家模型中描述的那些目标集来降低或摧毁那些目标集。沙漠风暴期间的实际空战攻击了五个目标类别中的每个目标。尽管存在于顺序相,但这些相重叠并压缩到明显同时的时间。这种转变,从空中力量对单个目标集的独特顺序应用到在系统性攻击方法中的应用,是许多人认为是武装部队将在未来几年使用的新战争方法的特征。 Enhanced mobility of fighting systems and improved communications systems have dispersed and mobilized the battlefield beyond Clausewitz's wildest dreams. As a result, the US and other friendly nations will be forced to use maneuver, dispersion, speed, mobility, range, and deception to a far greater extent when facing unpredictable enemies who may potentially be armed with weapons of mass destruction. The shifting nature of warfare that we will face in the future, with its whirlwind tempo, fluidity, and reliance on responsive flexible command and control structures, begs the question--is our TACS ready for the future.


Additionally, several manpower changes and events which took place during the early 90s degraded the officer air battle management career field and with it the system for training new battle managers. Conversion of 50% of the officer battle manager positions to enlisted billets, consolidation of three other unrelated career fields with the battle management career field, selective early retirement boards, and reduction in forces all had compounding disastrous effects on the USAF battle management manpower pool. During the onset of these disastrous manpower events, training for battle management officers was dismantled, and has only now just begun to be rectified. The problem, however, is the fixes are merely Band-Aids on the wound.

推荐:如果空军想要继续主导ir operations in the battlefield of the future it must take steps now to ensure that it stays ahead of the OODA loop power curve. The Air Force must be able to command, control, and execute air operations faster, and more efficiently than the enemy can. As a first measure the conceptual approach to command, control, and execution of air operations must change. To maintain maximum flexibility, responsiveness, and timeliness in the application of scarce air resources, control and execution must be decentralized to the lowest possible command levels. The keys to effective decentralization are many faceted. First, all forces involved must have a common operational outlook; they must be oriented similarly towards the task at hand. Additionally, the main focus of effort or desired outcome must be clearly identified and communicated continuously to all participants. Further, lower command levels must be given the latitude to use their initiative in order to capitalize on fleeting opportunities when they fall within the framework of the commander's intent.

我们必须立即采取行动设计一个培训系统,该系统将为我们的战斗经理做好准备以进行未来的战争,否则我们必须为接受后果做好准备。The entry level Air Battle Manager course at Tyndall AFB is appropriately focused on giving the new accessions the basics of controlling and Air Force aviation tactics. The shortfall in the training system, however, is in advanced battle management training. Advanced training for actual battle management positions, like senior director (SD), mission crew commander (MCC), and battle commander (BC), must be formalized. These positions bring with them the responsibilities of integrating, supporting, and redirecting the joint/combined air effort in support of the air, land and maritime component commander's schemes of maneuver as well as the joint force commander's intent and desired focus of effort. The battle manager's position, as the fulcrum in the effort to leverage our combat forces, demands that training be conducted in formal courses that are manned, equipped, and funded to do the job right. To do this correctly, the Air Force needs to create two new formal training courses. The Initial Battle Management Training course (IBMT) for SDs would focus primarily on the mid to upper end of the tactical level of warfare while just touching on the lower operational level. Students would attend this course after their control focused apprenticeship period when enroute to their second assignment. The Advanced Battle Management Training course (ABMT) for MCCs, on the other hand, would focus primarily on the upper end of the tactical level through the mid to upper end of the operational level of warfare. Students would attend while enroute between assignments at the appropriate point in their career (possible the eight to ten year point). The importance of training cannot be understated. It is the key to producing and maintaining effective, ready, combat forces, and therefore must be attended to with relish in peacetime. If we are to continue to espouse the old adage of "train how you plan to fight", then we as a service must be ready to put our money where our mouth is. Professional quality, realistic training is not a frivolous waste, it is a necessity for ensuring success in the future.

USAF TACSBattle Management:

Preparing for High Tempo Future Operations

The conflict in South West Asia (Desert Storm), in the minds of many people, was a turning point in the rapidly progressing revolution in military affairs. Never in the history of mankind has the employment of information and weaponry taken place at the blistering pace of that witnessed during the Gulf War. This warfare of hyper tempo created stresses on the supporting USAF Theater Air Control System (TACS) command, control, and execution network that stretched it to its limits. The expected trend is for the tempo of warfare and the levels of information overload to continue their upward spiral. The USAF Theater Air Control Systems (TACS) battle management capabilities are at a fork in the road which will determine their capability to orchestrate and execute the air war in future conflicts. The pace of real-time information updates and the focus on information dominance will demand more and more time-critical/real-time decision making be made by the operators at the lower level command and control platforms orchestrating the show. This decentralization will be crucial to ensuring we can operate at a tempo faster than the enemy can react to. The increased operations tempo and reduced margins for error will put demands on the USAF TACS that the current framework for command and the training process isn't preparing it for. More importantly it calls for a shift in the current conceptual framework of lower-level USAF command, control, and execution.

在本文中,我将提出如何更改USAF TACS战斗管理系统以使其可行和可靠的方法,并具有长期生产能够在未来运营所需的节奏中执行的熟练战斗经理的能力。我将首先描述过去和未来的战争特征。然后,我将评估USAF TACS及其增强空中动力就业灵活性的能力。具体来说,我将回顾当前的指挥,控制和执行的学说方法,以及对当前USAF TACS培训系统的审查。最后,我将概述一些必须在两个领域进行的更改。首先,必须发生教义变化。就我们的命令,控制和执行方式而言。其次,必须在USAF TACS战斗管理培训系统的结构中进行更改。这些变化对于确保USAF TAC可以满足未来战争所需的需求至关重要。

The Shifting Nature of Warfare

Clausewitz, in his masterpiece在战争中,将战争定义为“迫使我们的敌人履行我们的意志的力量”。(1)

In many ways, early approaches to conflict followed the essence of this often quoted description of warfare. Set piece battles, lines of warriors squaring off against one another, plans laid out down to the finest detail all serve as examples throughout history of an extremely linear approach to the conduct of war. The conceptual approach to warfare prior to Desert Storm was, for the most part, very sequential in nature. Operations were time sequenced with very specific constraints on the order of each phase, which steps preceded which, with operations progressing along a fairly set time schedule. In essence it was a building block approach to the conduct of armed conflict. The analogy of peeling an onion is very close to describing the historical approach to warfare. Beginning at the outer layer and working sequentially towards the heart. Even today Army Field Manual 100-5 talks specifically of the sequencing, phasing and synchronization of different parts of an operation.(2)

根据一些学者的说法,沙漠风暴,战争每个人都说如此革命性,其行动与以往一样。正如曼恩上校在他的书中所说的那样Thunder and Lightening: Desert Storm and the Air Power Debates

In accordance with FM 100-20, the campaign would employ the whole








Although this will detract from our freedom to mass forces for an attack, modern systems are capable of delivering effective fires while remaining relatively dispersed right up until the moment of attack. Where in the past, even as late as Vietnam, hundreds or thousands of bomber sorties had to attack a single target group at a time (often a single target), the smart weapons and stealth technologies of today enable a single aircraft to attack a single target while providing a high degree of certainty that the target will be destroyed or disabled. This increased efficiency of airpower allows the offensive capability of the air arm to be used in a way that theorists like Douhet and Mitchell dreamed it would be. In 1943 the US Army Air Corps bombers of 8th Air Force were only able to effectively strike 50 strategic targets in the entire year, while the coalition air forces of Desert Storm struck over 150 targets in the first 24 hours of that war.(6)




As Col John Boyd would say, the overarching goal of this warfare of increased operations tempo is to overwhelm one's enemy by being able to observe, orient, decide, and act (OODA) faster than he is able to. To do this, however, a force must have three things. It must have access to nearly instantaneous information, the ability to use that information to adapt and focus the effort where and when it is needed, and an effectively trained system to carry out the newly focused effort. Our enemies (e.g. PRC or North Korea) around the world watched the progression and outcome of Desert Storm and surely learned many lessons from it. Enemies in the future will go to great lengths to disguise, disperse, mobilize, camouflage, hide, and harden their critical resources, nodes, and weapons. They will use disinformation and deceit to try to increase the fog and friction on our side of the conflict. The effects of successfully winning this information and communication battle were evident during Desert Storm and are likely to be lessons our enemies surely won't miss capitalizing on in the future.

Knowing this, we must ask ourselves...what will the battle of the future look like? The answer is simply it will be faster, more fluid, more dispersed, more accurate, more lethal, and more difficult to get our arms around than anything we've ever seen before. The following simple table gives a flavor for the shift in OODA loop processing that has taken place throughout the last couple centuries of warfare(9)


内战 第二次世界大战 海湾战争 Tomorrow's War
观察 望远镜 电报 无线电/电线 Near Real Time 即时的
东方 几周 小时 Minutes 连续的
决定 月份 几周 小时 Immediate
行为 一个季节 一个月 一周 A Day 小时或更小





fundamental principle of centralized command and control with decentralized execution. Today's command and control structure, like that of Desert Storm, is not all that different from those structures of the distant past. Although ground radar elements of the TACS did not play a significant part in the execution of the Desert Storm air campaign, many of them were present and capable of performing their doctrinally assigned tasks. The end result is that the command, control, and execution concepts for the TACS today is virtually identical to what it has been for over 50 years.

Having thought through the shifting nature of warfare that we will face in the future, with its whirlwind tempo, fluidity, and reliance on responsive flexible command and control structures, the question to be dealt with is--is our TACS ready for the future? Is our TACS structure, methodology, and training optimized to prepare us for the future conflicts we will undoubtedly face?



Much has been written in condemnation of the USAF approach to daily planning during Desert Storm. Most of the criticism stems from what, to most casual observers, appears to be the inordinate amount of time and effort it took to put together the daily Air Tasking Order (ATO). The volume of reports and intelligence processed by the Tactical Air Control Center (TACC) resulted in the TACC staff swelling to roughly 2000 people, and often stretched the planning cycle out to 48-72 hours. The result was that the ATO often lagged significantly behind the ongoing war.(10)



问题发生在计划完成to excruciating levels of detail and when control is extended into the execution phase. Decentralized execution is the implementation of the plan established under centralized control. The current air tasking order (ATO) process assigns the instruments of airpower (weapon systems and support assets) exact tasks to accomplish, but does little to communicate the JFACC's vision and intent for the overall operation to those same instruments of airpower. This shortfall in commander's intent is what drives far-reaching centralized control, from the highest levels of the TACS, throughout the execution phase. The deleterious result, however, is that the front line warriors are often relegated to being simple mouthpieces relaying directions from higher command echelons that are overcome with information overload.


Like Napoleon at Leipzig and Waterloo, forces that operate under a centralized command system, lacking detailed instructions and a clear understanding of the intent of the commander, are ill-prepared to take independent action which is in concert with the intended focus of effort.(13)


但是,要一直使这一成功的过程制度化,但是,USAF TAC的较低梯队必须具有两件事 - 相当地访问关键情报和信息,以及执行它所需的培训和经验。




从1991年开始的tac战斗管理力量s were subject to tremendous changes directed by the highest level of USAF leadership. The conversion of nearly 50% of the entry level company grade officer positions to enlisted billets; consolidation of four dissimilar career fields into one; and Selective Early Retirement Boards (SERB) and Reduction In Forces (RIF), which decapitated the field, all began to cause a degenerative slide from which we are still trying to recover. The company grade to field grade manning imbalance caused by the conversion left a critical segment of the operational air force that was shaped like an upside down pyramid, unable to grow the field grade officers the system would need over time. The consolidation created the potential for officers from drastically different career fields, with absolutely no battlefield command and control (TACS) experience, to cross over into critical battle management leadership positions. The effects of the SERB and RIF devastated the experience base of the battle management community at a time when that experience was most needed. Unfortunately, in the midst of all this turmoil, the element that has always given US armed forces an edge in previous conflicts, was left languishing. The training system for TACS battle managers was dismantled by the conversion, consolidation, SERB and RIF of the early 1990s, and is only now beginning to be repaired. The question is; will the new training system be structured to prepare future USAF TACS battle managers for the demands they will face in future conflicts?


Formal entry level training for tomorrow's USAF TACS battle managers begins with the entry level Air Battle Manager school which was reopened for officers at Tyndall AFB in the later part of 1996. The focus of this course is divergent, in that it is trying to do several things at once. It is designed to orient new officers to the concepts of battle management, while at the same time trying to prepare these officers for the duties they will perform when they arrive at their first unit. Their first duty will be as battle management apprentices, where they will conduct anywhere from 18 months to three years of orientation level weapons controller training while they begin transition to their first battle management position (either as a senior director or air surveillance officer). The nine month course is broken into three major blocks which teach air surveillance concepts, basic controlling techniques and weapons system capabilities and tactics, and a cursory exposure to the basics of integrated (weapons and surveillance) battle management. As of this date, this is the last formal school thatall战斗管理人员将参加。(16)

The course lacks the ability to participate in any large scale live flying battle management exercises, and is not equipped to participate with any joint agencies during any large scale simulation exercises. Once the students graduate from this course, they proceed to their first unit where they enter into a program of unit level upgrade training. The focus of unit level upgrade training is on refining controlling skills and enlarging the base of knowledge that the beginning controllers have on their own system. The career field plan is for entry level officers to perform controlling duties in their first unit for a maximum of 18 months to three years. The hope is that this brief orientation period will allow the young officers to garner a base line of experience that will serve as a foundation for their battle management training. There are, however, critical flaws in this plan. Depending on where the officer is stationed during this period, he/she will probably not experience anything larger than an occasional four aircraft versus four aircraft (4v4). In all likelihood the majority of experience the new battle manager will get during this 24 month period will be very narrow exposure to 2v2 and 2v4 air combat training (ACT/DACT) mission profiles with an occasional single receiver--single tanker refueling. Although there are controlling assignments where a new officer will be exposed to large force employment missions, the volume of those they will get, in the brief orientation period, will make proficiency highly doubtful. During this same apprenticeship period they will enter upgrade training for their first battle management position, normally senior director (SD) or air surveillance officer (ASO). This dual direction focus creates a dilemma for the trainee and the unit--what should they focus the scarce training resources on. The high value training opportunities, like large force employment missions, will most likely be given to the enlisted weapons controllers (rightly so) who will be performing those duties for the long run, while the young battle manager apprentice will get the left-overs. Additionally, they won't ever really be qualified as a weapons controller, so the pressure will be to focus on training for the battle management position they are getting qualified in. The short orientation period will provide very limited exposure to actual warfighting tactics, techniques, and procedures from a controlling perspective, and as a result we will be filling the battle management ranks with individuals who lack a solid tactical base. Years down the road, that same battle manager may enter training for mission crew commander (MCC) and eventually battle commander (BC) positions. In most units, training for these positions is conducted entirely through unit level, on-the-job (OJT) training. Historically there have always been advanced training opportunities, although there is a drastic mismatch between the current qualification pre-requisites for these courses, the focus of these advanced courses, and the experience levels the planned career field path will provide prospective selectees. The Counter Air Tactics Awareness Training Course (CATATC), at Tyndall AFB, is designed as an intermediate level controller course focused on enhancing the controlling skills in a two/four fighter, multi-bogey environment. Since this course normally requires three years controlling experience before attending, most young battle management officers will never qualify. Additionally, the CATATC course is only equipped to handle approximately 32 students per year.(17)

高级培训的另一种途径是通过Nellis AFB的USAF武器学校。武器学校虽然最初是围绕重大控制教学大纲而设计的,但自1990年初以来一直将其集中在战斗管理概念上。该学校的生存主要原因是增强军官对威胁策略和技术的知识,联合和大型力量就业策略,并增强了学生的教学能力。目的是让毕业生返回其单位,担任中队武器和战术官员。武器学校可以作为出色的高级战斗管理课程,除了几个主要的弱点。入学仍然要求申请人拥有四到七年的控制经验(或操作)。此外,由于专门针对未来的武器和战术官员的专门关注,武器学校只能每年最多处理12名学生(18)



当前和计划的培训系统结构的另一个主要问题是依靠OJT方法来培训未来的战斗经理。这使对空军的战斗管理部队的教育和培养落入了那些无法执行这项任务的人的手中 - 单位人员。这并不是说单位讲师无法教书,而是一个超负荷的问题。随着操作节奏,平均TDY率每年超过180天;维持个人资格和培训要求;有限的大规模实时培训活动的机会有限;和模拟培训支持设备不佳;深入,为初级官员提供的高薪战斗管理培训充其量是不足的。(19)

总而言之,空军成功起诉未来冲突的能力显然是有问题的。如果战争的本质在不遥远的未来确实越来越多地转变为提高的流动性,分散,欺骗和致命性,那么我们对空中努力的指挥,控制和执行的方法就必须改变。我们当前的概念框架,即各级细节的详细精确规划,以及决策的过度集中化,将使我们能够赢得Ooda循环战争的能力。我们必须开发一种方法来维持对集中式的健康度量command, while retaining the flexibility inherent in decentralizing thecontrolandexecution越多越好。此外,我们必须创建一个具有的正式培训系统,该系统具有资源,专业知识, and时间培训我们的战斗经理,以应对权力下放的复杂性和责任。换句话说,我们的系统必须保留努力统一的宗旨的好处,同时释放了从下属命令级别的积极主动性中固有的增强的灵活性,及时性和响应能力。如果做得正确,敌人总是可以将敌人落后两个步骤。



If the Air Force wants to continue to dominate air operations in the battlefield of the future it must take steps now to ensure that it stays ahead of the OODA loop power curve. The Air Force must be able to command, control, and execute air operations faster, and more efficiently than the enemy can. As a first measure the conceptual approach to command, control, and execution of air operations must change. To maintain maximum flexibility, responsiveness, and timeliness in the application of scarce air resources, control and execution must be decentralized to the lowest possible command levels. The keys to effective decentralization are many faceted. First, all forces involved must have a common operational outlook; they must be oriented similarly towards the task at hand. Additionally, the main focus of effort or desired outcome must be clearly identified and communicated continuously to all participants. Further, lower command levels must be given the latitude to use their initiative in order to capitalize on fleeting opportunities when they fall within the framework of the commander's intent. The information/intelligence structure and systems must provide all levels an equally clear, timely understanding of the battlefield without having to flow information/intelligence up and down vertical command channels (fig 5). Finally, effective communications must exist to allow the highest command levels to redirect the main effort when needed.(20)

As a simple example, the trend in planning must move towards a system that combines the best elements (integration, coordination, synchronization, and deconfliction) of the current highly scripted, detailed, lock-step type air tasking orders with a system that clearly delineates and communicates commander's intent, guidelines, and acceptable retargeting limits to ensure maximum flexibility. This system needs to go way beyond simple identification of alternate targets, to a point where lower levels can react to and capitalize on fleeting moments of vulnerability of the enemy. The structure of the system must provide the flexibility for lower command echelons to conduct real-time, immediate alteration and reallocation of mission resources when the combat situation demands. This system of任务式订单, originally conceptualized under the early Prussian General Staff of General Von Moltke, would place a premium on maintaining the room for application of individual judgment by the command elements closest to the action that have the information necessary to make decisions.(21)

This decentralization of on-scene decision making is very similar to the principle of mission-type orders used by the US Marine Corps and US Army, as well as the Navy's command by negation.

Battle Management Training System

如从巴拿马到沙漠风暴,海地,到波斯尼亚的行动中所见;命令和控制力的定位和任务是可以制造或破坏操作的方式。如果没有经过训练且现成的战斗管理系统,沙漠风暴行动的行为将很困难,即使不是不可能进行编排和执行。当您考虑到我们从一开始就决定与伊拉克战斗的术语和节奏的事实时,这个事实更加惊人。因此,必须确保我们的战斗经理获得我们可以给他们的最好的培训。第二次世界大战期间,埃文·隆美尔(Erwin Rommel)说:“部队的最佳福利形式是一流的训练,因为这节省了不必要的伤亡。”(22)


Tyndall AFB的入门级空战经理课程虽然离基地不远,但将更加专注于确保新的加入牢固地掌握控制和空军航空策略的基础知识,同时为战斗管理概念和技术提供了合理的方向。但是,培训系统的危险短缺是在高级战斗管理培训中。必须正式化实际战斗管理职位的高级培训,例如高级主任(SD),任务人员指挥官(MCC)和战斗指挥官(BC)。这些职位带来了整合,支持和重新指导联合/组合空中努力的责任,以支持空中,陆地和海上组件的机动指挥官计划,以及联合部队指挥官的意图和期望的努力。战斗经理的立场,作为利用我们的战斗部队的支点,要求在驾驶,装备和资助的正式课程中进行培训,以便完成这项工作。

To do this correctly, two new formal courses need to be created. These courses would provide the initial battle management training for SDs and advanced battle management training for MCCs. The Initial Battle Management Training course (IBMT) for SDs would focus primarily on the mid to upper end of the tactical level of warfare while just touching on the lower operational level. Students would attend this course after their control focused apprenticeship period when enroute to their second assignment. This course would concentrate on the coordination, integration, and management of air assets in the prosecution of offensive, defensive, and support missions. Additionally, it would expand the SDs knowledge base of joint command and control systems integration, offensive air support to ground forces, and control and employment of ground based air defense assets (fig 6). Most importantly it would provide the foundational knowledge and skills required to conduct real-time resource allocation decisions at the tactical level of warfare.






The importance of training can not be understated. It is the key to producing and maintaining effective, ready, combat forces, and therefore must be attended to with relish in peacetime.(23)


秘书秘书的自下而上的审查中,削减了部队,毫无疑问,我们将在不久的将来面对四年一年的评论,要求我们直接面对这个问题。力量水平下降和资金与增加的运营节奏相结合,这意味着一件事 - 战斗经理有效地训练/磨练关键战斗技巧的机会。(25)

认为,通过为战斗管理人员启动入门级课程,我们为社区解决了所有问题,这是一个关键的错误。直到我们分析战争的未来对我们来说是什么以及我们想要处理的方式,战斗管理将成为决定我们成功或失败的复杂事件中的命中率。在目睹了沙漠风暴的成功之后,我们各地的敌人肯定已经了解了否定关键指挥节点的有效操作的重要性。如果我们继续跋涉,我们将徒步迈进不断增加信息,智能,命令和控制的道路。像我们的宝贵战斗力一样,我们必须找到使空中力量的指挥,控制和执行的分散,分散和弄平的方法。我们的目标必须是一个灵活,响应且稳健的系统。我们必须尽可能地采取这一点,同时仍确保我们确定,交流和起诉给定的努力重点的能力,同时保留稀缺资源的努力 - 空气权力。

最确定的方法使得不协调的声音by having the orchestra filled with very talented musicians, using the newest top-of-the-line musical instruments, led by a wino with poor to no musical training. We must ensure that the forces that will orchestrate, direct, adapt, coordinate, and facilitate the air effort are up to the task at hand. USAF battle management concepts and training must be scrubbed from top to bottom.



ABM:Tyndall AFB的空战管理课程


高手:airborne command element

行为:air combat training


AEWC:airborne early warning and control

AFB:air force base


ASOC:air support operations center


awacs:airborne warning and control system

公元前:battle commander

catatc:Counter Air Tactics Awareness Training Course



CRP:control and reporting post


FDP:forward director post







MCC:mission crew commander

mewu:microwave early warning unit

OJT: 在职培训


rif:reduction in forces

SD:senior director

塞族:selective early retirement board


TACP:tactical air control party






美国空军:United States Air Force

WD:weapons director (used interchangeably with WC: weapons controller)




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Schneider,Barry R.和Lawrence E. Grinter,“概述:未来战场的简介”,未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月

Schneider, Barry R., "New Era Warfare? A Revolution in Military Affairs?" in未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月

Szafranski,理查德上校,美国空军。“平行战争和Hyperwar: Is Every Want a Weakness?", in未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月

麦克伦登(McLendon),詹姆斯(James W.)上校,美国空军。“信息战:影响和关注”,未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月


Mann, Col Edward C III, USAF.Thunder and Lightening: Desert Storm and the Airpower Debates,航空大学出版社,1995年4月




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“空军问题 - 维持战乐动冠军斗准备”,从Nellis.af.mil/range/99RG下载,11/20/96

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USAF武器学校运营官Maj Mike Kegler,作者采访,97年3月5日



1Clausewitz,Carl von,On War,ed。迈克尔·霍华德(Michael Howard)和彼得·普雷特(Peter Paret),普林斯顿大学出版社,1989年,75,77


2现场手册(FM)100-5,操作,弗吉尼亚州门罗堡:美国陆军tradoc,1993年6月, 6-9


3Mann, Col Edward C III, USAF.Thunder and Lightening: Desert Storm and the Airpower Debates,航空大学出版社,1995年4月,61


4Mann, 98


5Schneider,Barry R.和Lawrence E. Grinter,“概述:未来战场的简介”,未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月1日


6Schneider, Barry R., "New Era Warfare? A Revolution in Military Affairs?" in未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月43日


7Szafranski,理查德上校,美国空军。“平行战争和Hyperwar: Is Every Want a Weakness?", in未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月,126


8麦克伦登(McLendon),詹姆斯(James W.)上校,美国空军。“信息战:影响和关注”,未来的战场:21世纪的战争问题,乐动冠军1995年9月1日87


9罗马,格雷戈里·A·ltcol,美国空军,“ C2困境:技术和组织取向相撞时”,8月96日,从空军2025 Home Page au.af.mil/au/au/au/au/20205/volume1/chap04/chap04/v1c4/v1c4-4.htm,95年3月10日,10月10日,10月10日,10月9日


10Fischer,Maj E. Michael,美国空军。联合空中运营中的任务式命令:授权空中领导能力,论文,麦克斯韦空军基地。高级气势研究学院,1995年5月, 38


11Fischer, 55,57


12Vincent,1LT Gary A.,美国空军。一种新的指挥和控制方法:控制论设计,空中力量杂志,1993年夏, 28


13Fischer, 9


14Ibid, 39,43


15Conduct of the Persian Gulf War,1992年4月,国防部华盛顿特区的国防部最终报告,97,167


16营长布鲁斯墙壁,中校参谋总部空战Command/DOYG, interview by author, 5 Mar 97


17营长布鲁斯墙壁,中校参谋总部空战Command/DOYG, interview by author, 5 Mar 97


18USAF武器学校运营官Maj Mike Kegler,作者采访,97年3月5日。Manning shortfalls as a result of the conversion and consolidation of the early 90s has reduced the schools ability to handle students down to a paultry eight to 10 per year. This amount of graduating students is not even close to satisfying the Combat Air Forces requirements for weapons and tactics officers






21霍尔伯恩,哈霍,“普鲁索 - 德国学校:莫尔特克和总参谋部的崛起”Makers of Modern Strategy,ed Peter Paret, Princeton University Press, 1986, 290,291


22Force Marines Field Manual (FMFM) 1,战斗。华盛顿特区:总部美国海军陆战队, 38


23FMFM 1, 46-49


24“空军问题 - 保持战乐动冠军斗准备”,从Nellis.af.mil/range/99RG下载,11/20/96,3


25“空军问题 - 保持战乐动冠军斗准备”,3