David Kahn的讲话





因为我的书,的触爪伸向,出版于1967年,只有35岁,一个月前,它成为了美国国家安全局的部分禁令的主题。的通知,在米德堡这里流传,被送到所有NSA前哨全世界。这本书从来没有被提及。这是从来没有被确认时,媒体 - 或者任何人 - 问它,因为在鸡尾酒会。它的作者是在NSA诅咒。他透露说,美国是断码!恨少只比马丁和米切尔。而现在他在这里,在其50周年讲话。有时我觉得我应该撑起该通知的方式哈里·杜鲁门,此前他在1948年赢了,得意洋洋地举起芝加哥论坛报的横幅标题高喊:杜威击败杜鲁门。那么,卡恩击败NSA。



事实上,这部分努力可能已经开始发挥作用了。几年前,博物馆举办了一次签名售书活动的触爪伸向。真是过奖了。队伍从门口一直排到停车场。但最棒的是,队伍里有四五个人把他们的书递给我,对我说,“卡恩博士,你改变了我的生活。”我读了你的书,决定研究密码学。”I think there must be very few authors who get that kind of feedback, who have affected people's lives so directly. So something very helpful for NSA and for America has come out of something that NSA first saw as bad but, for reasons not of its own making but that it eventually recognized, now sees as good and welcomes.

但我一直在这里问今天谈谈今天约我所说的密码分析的死亡。我从赫伯特·亚德利,美国的第一个正式的密码破译的想法。在他的轰动,1931年精彩的书,美国黑人协会他故意用一种含糊不清的方式描述了一次性磁带密码机。他说:“迟早所有的政府,所有的无线公司,都会采用这样的系统。到那时,密码学(他指的是密码分析)这一职业就会消亡。”I think there's some truth in that, but it's more nuanced, more complex than the headline phrase "the death of cryptanalysis" says.

在某种程度上,密码分析技术已经消亡了半个多世纪。我说的不是那些吹嘘自己的密码系统“坚不可摧”的发明者。Almost everyone who has devised a system called it indecipherable. You can read the claims in the books printed in England and France during the Victorian and Edwardian years and in the National Archives in College Park in the letters of people offering their ciphers to the War and State Departments. But then, during World War I, there began an era of cryptosystems that were indeed unbreakable with the technology of the time. These were the rotor systems - notably the machines of the Californian Edward H. Hebern, who may have had the idea when he was in jail for horse thievery and whose ideas were basically stolen by the U.S. Government and used - with the important improvement of irregularizing the rotors - to make the SIGABAs of World War II, and the famed Enigma of Germany's Arthur Scherbius. Cryptograms enciphered on these machines could not be cryptanalyzed in those years by study of just the ciphertext, no matter how many were available. In other words, any number of those cryptograms could not be solved by pure analysis. Nor could they be solved by exhaustive search - what might today be called brute force. The key space exceeded the capabilities of the technology of the time. So solving Enigma messages, for example, required cribs. The famed bombes worked on the principle of matching a ciphertext with a suspected plaintext to see if this would lead to a possible arrangement of rotors and plugboard connections that would constitute a "legal" key. This would then unlock other messages enciphered with that key. But this method required the help of a plaintext, known or guessed. Pure cryptanalysis was already dead.



但是,这并不是故事的结尾。密码分析可能已经死了,但 - 混合隐喻我 - 一种以上的方法对皮肤一只猫。事实上,可能有更多的机会,现在比以往任何时候都从通信获得的信息。这是因为有比以往更多的沟通。正如电报投递员过机会增加拦截,并为无线的机会增多了电报,让电子邮件,互联网和手机再次增加拦截的机会。


此外,背门破译密码的新方法已经开始发挥作用。计算机可以在计算机芯片观看功率波动,并在DES例如,正在执行16轮的时候,告诉。此外,由于每个S盒进场时,密钥本身可以被读取。当然,这需要访问,但该访问可以是非常简单 - 只需要在作出购买交易的同一时间。问题的关键是,它可以做到的,不需要间谍出卖的关键。


不断增长的计算机数量之巨,开启了新的机遇。首先,全世界都在购买美国的电脑。如果它们还没有被窃听的话,那么进入它们的无数硬件中的许多都可以被窃听。当然,主要大国不需要购买美国的电脑。他们可以自己做。这使得较小的国家成为潜在的目标。这看起来似乎无关紧要,但不可忘记的是,在二战期间,对盟国和轴心国来说,最有成效的信息来源之一并非强国,而是中立国家:土耳其。其次,软件正变得越来越复杂,同时潜在的安全漏洞数量也在增加。计算机代码中的错误数与程序大小的平方成正比。许多都是潜在的安全漏洞。 In one case, for example, a command to print a file led to a security breach. The computer code was so large and so complicated that the flaw was totally overlooked. Thirdly, the security designer has to plug all the holes; the attacker has to find only one. And many of the systems in which encryption is embedded are not perfectly designed, or are, frankly, badly designed. All these offer opportunities for communications intelligence. Finally, if hackers and teenagers can design virus that penetrate computers to cause trouble, cryptanalysts can find ways as well of penetrating computer to extract information and even of modifying the equipment itself.


所有这些都在今天的可能性范围内。但未来也蕴藏着机遇。1901年,伟大的数学家大卫·希尔伯特提出了23个数学家必须解决的问题。一个世纪后,其中的一半可能已经被解决了。有些数学问题——今天的密码学几乎完全是数学化的——可以通过现有信息的富有想象力的混合来解决。其中一个例子就是安德鲁·怀尔斯对费马最后定理的解。他集合了已知的数学知识来解决一个几个世纪以来无人知晓的问题。这在密码学中也会发生。一个实例是公钥或非对称加密的开发。尽管成千上万的密码学家,业余的和专业的,多年来一直在思考密码学,但没有一个人想到这个主意。 Then Whit Diffie and Marty Hellman had it. More to the point, if you had said to me that it would be possible to have a cipher system in which the deciphering key was not the inverse but entirely different from the enciphering key, I would have said that it was impossible. Yet it turned out to be not only possible, but practicable, and then wildly successful. The point is that such ideas can come into being. Many cryptosystems depend upon the difficulty of factoring, or upon the discrete logarithm problem. Perhaps some day someone will find a fast way to factor large numbers or to solve the discrete logarithm problem. This might permit solution of many cryptosystems.


这些都不是国家安全局的想法。NSA不知道或控制的一切,如通过公共密钥加密和殴打NSA承担了密钥托管和美国海军潜艇使用Microsoft Windows的这一事实。
