
Keith P. Clive




国家安全局;国家安全局;中央安全服务;CSS;服务密码术的机构;SCA;服务密码逻辑元素;Tiiu Kera空军少将;Kera;空军中尉肯尼斯·a·米尼汉; Minihan; Communications Security Establishment; CSE; Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System; CFSRS; SRS; Canadian Forces Information Operations Group; CFIOG; James Bamford; Bamford; Naval Security Group; NSG; NSGC

美国国家安全局(NSA)合并了一个子机构——中央安全服务(CSS)。它的员工人数为2.5万人,几乎是v·詹姆斯·班福德(V. James Bamford) 1982年著作中4.5万人的一半。困惑宫。According to NSA�s Web site:


美国国家安全局的网站还将CSS描述为“国防部的一个战斗支援机构”。Originally, it was conceived as a "fourth branch of the armed services," according to Bamford.

美国国家安全局局长(DIRNSA)同时也是CSS的名义首长,现任空军中将迈克尔·v·海登(Michael V. Hayden)。有效的日常领导CSS是CSS副首席空军少将Tiiu Kera。她的官方传记由国家安全局提供:

作为主要顾问机构的董事军事密码学的问题,她可以保证对NSA / CSS的责任服兵役的贡献为国家和作战支持机构。乐动冠军她负责监督军事密码学系统操作的功能;开发的信号情报和信息安全保障为军队服务的政策和指导;管理NSA / CSS和服务密码逻辑元素的伙伴关系;在国家安全局和CSS监督军事资源管理。

适宜地,Tiiu是日耳曼/挪威战神的名字,星期二就是以他的名字命名的。Bamford�年代最新的书,身体的秘密她形容克拉少将是“一个长着红头发的矮胖女人”。根据美国国家安全局的官方传记,她出生在华盛顿的巴林根ü并于1969年获得印第安纳大学(布卢明顿)政治学硕士学位。此后,她的事业走上了军事道路。她在位于华盛顿的Fort Lesley J. McNair的国家战争学院学习了11个月,而不是“9个月”。她接受的教育包括在哈佛大学国际事务中心一年的奖学金,以及十九个月的随员和语言培训。之后不久,1993年7月,她成为美国驻立陶宛的首位国防武官,一直担任到1995年8月,她被任命为准将。此后三年,她担任内布拉斯加州奥法特空军基地的美国战略司令部情报总监,1998年10月加入国家安全局,担任办公厅主任至行动副主任。在加入美国国家安全局之前,这位准将于1998年7月晋升为少将。早在1999年1月,她就迅速晋升为行动部副主任助理。最后,她在1999年11月被提升为CSS副主管。她获得的奖项和荣誉包括:


1996年,当时的DIRNSA,空军中将Kenneth A. Minihan要求创建代表NSA和CSS的CSS印章。CSS印章是同年设计和采用的。根据2000年4月的“事实说明书#4”,CSS印章的纹章象征如下:


事实上,官方文件NSA举四名武装服务。Both of Bamford�s books, however, are confusing as to which services comprise the CSS. In谜宫,他首先仔细列出了上述服务(使用当时的术语空军安全服务),而忽略了USMC。在接下来的句子中,他说,“他们是士兵,水手,海军陆战队员和飞行员[我加的。“后来,班福德接着简要细节的历史”三个服务密码机构,或SCAs[斜体mine]。”When describing the entrance to the National Security Operations Center (NSOC, pronounced "N-sock") in身体的秘密,他说,在玻璃门的上方是“印章三个组成国家安全局的组织有自己的军队——中央安全局。”Earlier, in身体的秘密他再仔细列出了四种服务三 - 使用空军情报局,而不是正式的空军情报局 - 再次省略了海军陆战队。NSA Public Affairs Office Representative Patrick Weadon confirmed that, as per the CSS seal�s explicit depiction, the USMC does have its own cryptologic unit.

班福德反驳了国家安全局关于CSS的重要意义的官方立场。身体的秘密给CSS很少,路过提及。他早期的书提供了更多的细节,但相当轻蔑。“CSS更多的是一个意外,而不是一个深思熟虑的计划。”He quotes a former senior NSA official who described it as "�a half-assed, last-minute job� designed to destroy the original fourth-service proposal." Ironically, its establishment compounded the problem of non-unified efforts in cryptology. Bamford described the result as "so disastrous" that CSS was effectively "scrapped, leaving only the chief (DIRNSA) and deputy chief." The "author" of President Nixon�s executive order was James Rodney Schlesinger, then director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). In 1973, Schlesinger went on to a five-month tenure as Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) before resigning that post to become Secretary of Defense. Bamford draws attention, however, to the almost unparalleled power vested in the DIRNSA through NSCID No. 6, revised on 17 February 1972, "All instructions issued by the Director under the authority provided in this paragraph shall be mandatory, subject only to appeal to the Secretary of Defense." Thus, the DIRNSA is able to bypass "not only the Joint Chiefs, but even the secretaries of the branches" giving him his own SIGINT Army, Navy, Air Force, and海军陆战队员(我斜体)。

It is difficult to reconcile the extreme discrepancy between NSA�s account of CSS�s significance to NSA and its mission versus Bamford�s. He is the leading non-NSA authority on NSA. Certainly, CSS Deputy Chief Major General Kera and her uniformed staff of 25,000 would beg to differ with Bamford. A clue might be found farther north. In the Canadian experience, a military SIGINT wing is not redundant. NSA�s Canadian cousin, the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) relies entirely upon the Canadian Forces Supplementary Radio System (CFSRS) for all raw SIGINT collection. CFSRS has been a part of the Canadian Forces Information Operations Group (CFIOG) since the latter was established 08 May 1998.

最后,海军安全小组(NSG)可能是军事贡献对国安局SIGINT工作的重要性的最佳指示器。美国科学家联合会(FAS)的Steven Aftergood说,核供应国集团负责“信号安全问题,以及海军脆弱性评估项目中的数据链脆弱性评估方法”。的Naval Security Group Command (NSGC) "coordinates with, tasks as appropriate, and appraises the efforts of commands and offices of the Department of the Navy and NSA/Central Security Service in the fulfillment of Navy logistics support requirements, as directed by the Secretary of Defense. It also participates in NSA studies as required." The cryptologic staff "work with some of the most sophisticated and complex systems the Navy has to offer in performance of their mission." NSGC�s Commander "reports to the Chief, Central Security Service (CSS) as the Navy Element Commander of the CSS and performs cryptologic functions at the National level as the Commander of the Navy's Service Cryptologic Element (SCE)." Considering just NSG�s structure, naval SIGINT, and by inference all military SIGINT, does not appear to be a mainly nominal entity. Certainly, with the information overload that the Internet has brought, even for NSA, they can use all the help they can get.

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基思·克莱夫(Keith P. Clive)是ChocolateForum.Com网站的创始人和联合创始人。作为副业,他还是一名发表文章的自由撰稿人,主要对情报和金融感兴趣。他的文章发表在USMA杂志上密码术,eyetalian杂志,瑞典媒体杂志,犹太人论坛加拿大犹太新闻