[国会记录第165卷,第39号(2019年3月5日星期二)] [参议院] [第S1654-S1655]提名异议。主席女士,我打算反对与威廉·埃文纳的提名有关的任何一致同意请求,以获得国家违反议长和安全中心,PN192。当我注意到我有意在2018年6月开始持有这个被提名者,我向公众提供了很清楚的是,行政当局做出了我的理由,我把我的陈述在记录中提出了这些原因。我已经始终如一地完成了这一点,而不仅仅是参议院的规则要求每个成员要这样做,而且甚至在该规则到位之前。我继续遇到难以获取司法部和国家情报署署长ODNI的相关文件和办公室的困难,与2016年选举争议有关。副司法部长,DAG,Rod Rosenstein的副司法部一般地向我担保了,参议院司法委员会将获得对议定书董事会HPSCI委员会董事会议会委员会的信息的平等获取,关于其谈判的任何让步的谈判的待遇来自该委员会。但是,我和司法委员会没有收到平等的访问。例如,2018年8月7日,我写信给司法部,并指出,房屋智力委员会已收到与布鲁斯·努力有关的文件,我们没有收到。该部门最初否认已经向房屋情报委员会提供了这些记录。 After my staff confronted the Department, we eventually received some Bruce Ohr documents. In that 2018 letter I have referred to, I asked for documents based on my equal access agreement with Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, and I have not received a response to date. I have since learned that the Justice Department has taken the position that Director Coats has prohibited them from sharing the requested records with the committee. In addition to the records request, in May 2018, the Director of National Intelligence and the Justice Department provided a briefing in connection with a pending House Intel subpoena to which no Senate Judiciary Committee member was invited. Thus far, the committee's attempts to schedule an equivalent briefing have been ignored. The administration's continued, ongoing, and blatant lack of cooperation has forced my hand. I must object to any consideration of this nomination. In the authorizing resolution that created the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, SSCI, the Senate explicitly reserves for other standing committees, such as the Senate Judiciary Committee, independent authority to ``study and review any intelligence or intelligence-related activity'' and ``to obtain full and prompt access to the product of the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of a department or agency,'' when such a [[Page S1655]] matter ``directly affects a matter otherwise within the jurisdiction of that committee,'' S. Res. 400. As I understand it, the information at issue here falls into that category. Thus, unfortunately, I must object to any consideration of this nomination. My objection is not intended to question the credentials of Mr. Evanina in any way. This objection falls squarely on the administration's continued failure to uphold their end of the agreement. The executive branch must recognize that it has an ongoing obligation to respond to congressional inquiries in a timely and reasonable manner. ____________________