[国会记录第160卷第10期(2014年1月16日星期四)][参议院][页码S385-S425][…麦凯恩。总统先生,我请我的同事们注意华盛顿邮报》希尔不愿改变中情局在无人机战争中的角色。“国会已经阻止奥巴马总统的计划将控制美国无人机的运动从美国中央情报局到国防部,插入一个秘密条款的大规模政府支出法案,本周将保留间谍机构的角色在致命的反恐行动,美国官员说。这项法案包含在1.1万亿美元联邦预算计划的一份机密附件中,将限制使用任何资金来转移无人机或从中央情报局(CIA)到五角大楼(Pentagon) . . . .进行无人机袭击的权力“拨款委员会应该拨款。拨款委员会无权作出这个决定。我的同事中有多少人知道这个庞大的拨款法案中有这个条款?我赌一把。军事委员会和情报委员会的工作就是授权这些东西。军事委员会和情报委员会都没有关于这个问题的听证会。相反,一项重大的政策决定,与保卫国家抵御伊斯兰极端主义暴力势力的能力有关,现在正在一项庞大的拨款法案的秘密附件中做出决定。 It is not the first time I say that the appropriators have authorized. The appropriators have gotten into the business of the authorizing committees in a way that is a violation of every procedure and process this Senate is supposed to be pursuing. I believe Senator Levin, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, will be as outraged as I am. I believe the chairperson of the Intelligence Committee will be as angry as I am. This is a fundamental function of government that has to do with national security and it is hidden in a provision, in a secret provision of the mammoth appropriations bill. I say to the distinguished chairperson and ranking member, that is not their business. [...] Mr. McCAIN. Mr. President, today I come to the floor to discuss the consolidated appropriations bill of 2014, upon which we will soon be voting. While I am pleased that this bill will prevent another government shutdown and hopefully signal to the American people that we can actually work together, I will not be voting for this bill due to serious concerns surrounding specific policy riders and spending provisions. I am also seriously concerned about the process whereby we are passing a 1,582 page, $1.012 trillion spending bill that we received at 8 p.m. Monday night--giving us very limited time to time to carefully review or debate and no ability to amend. Now, this is not a new occurrence in Congress. According to the国会研究服务,在1977年至2013年之间,只有4年当所有拨款都按时实施,1977财政年度,1989财政年度,1995财政年度,1997财政年度:“[O]版本的一半定期为一个财政年度拨款法案颁布时间只在一个实例上(1978)。在所有其他财政年度中,在10月1日或之前颁布的常规拨款法案不到6项。此外,在此期间的37年中,有12年没有一项常规拨款法案是在财政年度开始之前颁布的。“这是不可接受的,必须改变。与我国面对快速增长的17.3万亿美元的债务,相当于超过54000美元/人,国会是时候回到“订货”,考虑每一个12个人转向基金拨款法案的活动我们的政府财政年度结束前,有足够的时间进行辩论和修改,而不是强行通过一份长达1582页的大规模综合拨款法案,就像我们今天面前的这个。美国纳税人期望的比我们在这个法案中给予他们的更多,也理应得到更好的。这份综合报告包括拨款政策附加条款和猪肉桶项目,应该引起我所有同事的警惕。例如,隐藏在该法案的机密部分的政策附加条款具有严重的国家安全影响,是拨款者越权的主要例子。这一条款将阻止美国无人机反恐行动从中央情报局转移到国防部。在这样做的过程中,它简要地改变了一个非常重要的政策,该政策指导我们如何从总统明确规定的方向进行某些海外反恐行动。 And how did most of us become aware of this major policy change? By reading this morning's Washington Post; that is how. This is outrageous, and it should not have happened. While there may be differing opinions on who should control drone counterterrorism operations, we should be able to debate these differences in the committees of jurisdiction and eventually on the Senate floor. The fact that a major national security policy decision is going to be authorized in this bill without debate or authorization is unacceptable and should not be the way we legislate on such important national security issues. [...]