[国会记录:2011年8月2日(参议院)][第S5239-S5240页]情报授权怀登先生。总统先生,我想简要地谈一谈2012财年情报授权法案S. 1458,该法案现已由情报特别委员会提交。我知道,该委员会主席和副主席范士丹参议员和钱布利斯参议员,以及他们各自的工作人员,为这项法案付出了艰辛的努力,我支持法案中的几乎每一条条款。但是,我强烈反对将《2008年FISA修正案》延长3年的决定,我的意图是反对任何一致通过该法案的要求。根据我自己的政策和参议院的规定,我通过在国会记录中添加一个通知来宣布我反对的意图。我的大多数同事都记得,国会在2008年通过了《外国情报监视法修正案》(FISA Amendments Act),旨在赋予政府新的权力,对美国境外的外国人进行监控。该法案的截止日期为2012年12月,截止日期的目的是迫使国会议员几年后重返国会,审查这些新权力是否按照预期进行了解释和执行。我认为,国会尚未充分审查这一问题,在FISA修正案获得长期延长之前,有一些重要问题需要得到回答。FISA修正案的中央部分,这部分目前部分702年外国情报监视法案本身,具体说,它是为了解决外国人在美国以外,甚至还要求司法部长开发程序旨在确保任何个人目标与新权威被认为是美国以外的国家。因此,国会需要问的一个核心问题是,这些程序是否如预期的那样发挥作用? Are they keeping the communications of law-abiding Americans from being swept up under this authority that was designed to apply to foreigners? I wanted to know the answer to this question, so Senator Udall of Colorado and I wrote to the Director of National Intelligence if it was possible to count or estimate the number of people inside [[Page S5240]] the United States whose communications had been reviewed under section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act. The response we got was prompt and candid. The response said ``it is not reasonably possible to identify the number of people located in the United States whose communications may have been reviewed under the authority'' of the FISA Amendments Act. I should be clear that I do not plan to accept this response as a final answer. I understand that it may be difficult to come up with an exact count of the number of people in the United States whose communications have been reviewed, but I believe Congress at least needs to obtain an estimate of this number so that people can understand the actual impact of the FISA Amendments Act on the privacy of law-abiding Americans. During the markup of the intelligence authorization bill, Senator Udall of Colorado and I proposed an amendment that would have directed the inspector general of the Department of Justice to review the implementation of the FISA Amendments Act and attempt to estimate how many people inside the United States have had their communications reviewed under this law since it was passed 3 years ago. Our amendment also would have directed the inspector general to examine other important aspects of the FISA Amendments Act, including the problem of recurring compliance violations, and report back to Congress within 1 year. I regret that the amendment that Senator Udall of Colorado and I offered was not adopted, but I obviously plan to keep trying to get more information about the effects of this law. I hope that I will find out that no law-abiding Americans, or at least very few, have had their communications reviewed by government agencies as a result of this law, but I believe that I have a responsibility to get concrete facts rather than just hope that this is not the case. And I believe that it would be not be responsible for the Senate to pass a multiyear extension of the FISA Amendments Act until I and others who have concerns have had our questions answered. I look forward to working with my colleagues to amend this bill, and I am hopeful that they will be willing to modify it to address the concerns I have raised. In the meantime, I should be clear that it is my intention to object to any request to pass the current version of S. 1458 by unanimous consent. ____________________