(国会记录:[2007年11月13日(参议院)][Page S14300]提交决议______参议院第375号决议——修改第94届国会第400号决议和第108届国会第445号决议,以改善国会对美国情报活动的监督,提供一个强大、稳定的、BURR先生(为他本人、Bayh先生、Sununu先生、Snowe女士、Feingold先生、McCain先生、哈格尔)提交了以下决议;已提交规则和行政委员会:> 375恐怖袭击而全国委员会在美国(将在本决议称为“9/11委员会”)进行了长时间的审查事实和环境有关9月11日的恐怖袭击,2001年,包括那些有关情报部门,执法机构,国会监督和资源分配的作用;然而,9/11委员会在其最终报告中发现,国会对美国情报活动的监督功能失调;然而,在最终报告中,9/11委员会进一步发现,根据报告完成时生效的参众两院的规则,负责监督情报活动的国会委员会缺乏权力和影响力,以及应对美国情报机构面临的严峻挑战的持续能力; Whereas in its final report, the 9/11 Commission further found that as long as such oversight is governed by such rules of the Senate and the House of Representatives, the people of the United States will not get the security they want and need; Whereas in its final report, the 9/11 Commission further found that a strong, stable, and capable congressional committee structure is needed to give the intelligence community of the United States appropriate oversight, support, and leadership; Whereas in its final report, the 9/11 Commission further found that the reforms recommended by the 9/11 Commission in its final report will not succeed if congressional oversight of the intelligence community in the United States is not changed; Whereas the 9/11 Commission recommended structural changes to Congress to improve the oversight of intelligence activities; Whereas the 9/11 Commission recommended that the authorizing authorities and appropriating authorities with respect to intelligence activities in each house of Congress be combined into a single committee in each house of Congress; Whereas Congress has enacted some of the recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission and is considering implementing additional recommendations of the 9/11 Commission; and Whereas the Senate adopted Senate Resolution 445 in the 108th Congress to address some of the intelligence oversight recommendations of the 9/11 Commission by abolishing term limits for the members of the Select Committee on Intelligence, clarifying jurisdiction for intelligence- related nominations, and streamlining procedures for the referral of intelligence-related legislation, but other aspects of the 9/11 Commission recommendations regarding intelligence oversight have not been implemented: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, SECTION 1. PURPOSES. The purposes of this resolution are-- (1) to improve congressional oversight of the intelligence activities of the United States; (2) to provide a strong, stable, and capable congressional committee structure to provide the intelligence community appropriate oversight, support, and leadership; (3) to implement a key recommendation of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (the ``9/11 Commission'') that structural changes be made to Congress to improve the oversight of intelligence activities; and (4) to provide vigilant legislative oversight over the intelligence activities of the United States to assure that such activities are in conformity with the Constitution and laws of the United States. SEC. 2. INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT. (a) Authority of the Select Committee on Intelligence.-- Paragraph (5) of section 3(a) of Senate Resolution 400, 94th Congress, agreed to May 19, 1976, is amended in that matter preceding subparagraph (A) by striking the comma following ``authorizations for appropriations'' and inserting ``and appropriations,''. (b) Abolishment of the Subcommittee on Intelligence.-- Senate Resolution 445, 108th Congress, agreed to October 9, 2004, is amended by striking section 402. ____________________