国会记录:2003年1月16日(参议院)第S1071-S1085报表ON提出的法案和决议案联合[...]通过范士丹女士:S. 190.法案设立国家情报总监为情报界的头,修改和增强有关情报的政府和情报部门的权力和责任,以及用于其他用途;对情报专责委员会。[[页S1082]范斯坦太太。主席先生,我今天上升到报价的2003年这项立法情报界领袖法创设了国家情报总监的位置,以提供预算和法定权威协调我们的情报工作。这将有助于确保了阻止我们的情报界的各个元素,从9月11日之前有效地共同合作之类的通信问题不会再发生。今天,有14个不同的机构和部门从而弥补了智能社区:中央情报局,国防情报局,国家安全局,国家侦察办公室,国家图像测绘局,军事情报,空军情报,海洋兵团智力,国务院,财政部,能源等部门,以及调查的联邦调查局和美国海岸警备队的情报内容。它们共同构成了一个庞大的网络,与数千名员工和显著,秘密预算。有趣的是,这个庞大的社区没有真正的头。在法律中央情报局局长既导致中情局和情报界,但在实践中,他是无法行使有意义的控制和领导。 The Community is plagued by acute turf battles, incompatible information systems and uncoordinated operations. The present structure makes coordination and movement of personnel within the Intelligence Community more difficult than it should be. Last Spring I offered legislation to address this problem, S. 2645, which created the position of Director of National Intelligence. Since then the Joint Inquiry of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees completed its investigations into the Intelligence Community role in the attacks of September 11. The Joint Inquiries' major recommendation was the creation of a ``Director of National Intelligence'', DNI, with real authority to run the Intelligence Community, separate from the head of the CIA, and thus free from having to run both the Community and one of its major constituent agencies. Working with those recommendations, I have updated the bill I introduced last year to reflect the Joint Inquiries' findings. The changes include adding specific language to ensure that the new Director of National Intelligence has meaningful and effective budget and personnel authority. Specifically this legislation would create the new position of Director of National Intelligence who would head the intelligence community, serving at the pleasure of the President, with the proper and necessary authority to coordinate activities, direct priorities, and develop and execute the budget for our nation's national intelligence community. The DNI would be responsible for all of the functions now performed by the Director of Central Intelligence in his role as head of the intelligence community, while a separate individual would be Director of the CIA. Nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate, the DNI would be empowered to create and execute the national intelligence budget in conjunction with the various intelligence agencies within our government. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, DCIA, freed from the double burden as head of the intelligence community, would then be able to concentrate on the critical missions of the CIA alone: Assure the collection of intelligence from human sources, and that intelligence is properly correlated, evaluated, and disseminated throughout the intelligence community and to decision makers. I recognize that this bill will certainly not solve every problem within the intelligence community, but I believe it is an important, perhaps critical, first step. My hope is that introduction of this bill will move the much-needed debate on Intelligence Community reform forward. ______