

埃莉诺·希尔(Eleanor Hill),参谋长

October 17, 2002



除了9月11日的事件,然而,我们believe these open hearings have also served to educate the public on the ongoing policy debate about the future path of the Intelligence Community. The considerable factual record that is now before these Committees touches on a wide range of issues that are critical to that debate. Ultimately, many of those issues will be considered and addressed in even greater depth as these Committees deliberate on what will become the final report of this Joint Inquiry. At this point, however, the Staff has been asked to briefly review the most important elements of the factual record as well as key questions that we believe have been raised through the course of these public hearings.

Review of Key Facts

从首次公开听证会开始,该记录详细描述了美国情报界在2001年9月11日之前就乌萨马·本·拉丁(Usama bin Ladin)构成的恐怖威胁而面临的情况。关键事实包括:


No one will ever know whether more extensive analytic efforts, fuller and more timely information sharing, or a greater focus on the connection between these events would have led to the unraveling of the September 11 plot. But, it is at least a possibility that increased analysis, sharing and focus would have drawn greater attention to the growing potential for a major terrorist attack in the United States involving the aviation industry. This could have generated a heightened state of alert regarding such attacks and prompted more aggressive investigation, intelligence gathering and general awareness based on the information our Government did possess prior to September 11, 2001.

除了与9月11日袭击有关的相当大的事实记录外,这些委员会的听证会还确定了影响的系统问题,这些问题已经影响,如果尚未解决,将继续影响情报界的表现。例如,证人在9月11日之前抱怨缺乏资源,以应对太多广泛的情报要求,其中反恐只有一个。虽然需求增长,但通常没有更新优先级。正如我们上周报道的那样,对于许多情报界来说,一切都是当务之急 - 美国希望一直了解一切。


Regarding their resource issues, the FBI has emphasized that FBI headquarters had a number of operations analysts in addition to the one strategic analyst which we had been told of originally by FBI officials and which was noted in our previous staff statement. Our statement, which also noted that some of the FBI's strategic analytic capability on al-Q'aida had been transfered to "operational units", does not dispute that point. Our focus had been on the FBI's ability to perform strategic, as opposed to operational, analysis of al-Q'aida.


Resource issues were not, however, the only systemic problems facing the Intelligence Community. Even aside from the case of al-Mihdhar and al-Hazmi, a number of witnesses described their own experiences with various legal, institutional, and cultural barriers that apparently impeded the Intelligence Community's ability to enhance the value of intelligence through effective and timely information sharing. This is critically important at several levels: within the Intelligence Community itself, between intelligence agencies and other components of the federal government; and between all those agencies and appropriate state and local authorities. Finally, the loss in potential intelligence from a lack of information sharing cuts both ways: we heard from representatives of state and local authorities that, when confronting the threat of terrorist activity within the United States, intelligence obtained at the local level can be critically important.

在这些听证会的过程中,我们还了解了超越情报界并涉及政策问题的问题。乐动冠军在冷战之后,美国的反恐努力面临着一种新的恐怖分子的出现,这些恐怖分子从事一种新的恐怖主义形式,与1960年代,1970年代和1980年代的国家赞助,有限的伤亡恐怖主义不同。美国反恐努力面临着许多新的挑战,包括本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)和Qa'ida的崛起以及在阿富汗的存在,使Al-Qa'ida能够组织,培训,训练,招募,招募,筹集资金和成长,并筹集资金,筹集资金和成长进入全球威胁。随着本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)和他的“军队”在这个庇护所中蓬勃发展,美国继续依靠主要是执法恐怖主义的方法。结果,尽管起诉成功地将个别恐怖分子带离了街头,但过去和将来的袭击的策划者通常仍然超出了正义的范围。

最后,记录表明,在9月11日之前,美国情报和执法社区在反对恐怖主义的战争中大为奋斗,而没有某些人在这种努力中称其最有力的武器的好处:警报并承诺美国公众。您不需要比93号航班上的乘客的英勇或识别鞋炸弹式轰炸机理查德·里德(Richard Reid)的乘客的英勇行为。尽管情报界的高级层次以及高级决策者都意识到了本·拉丁(Bin Ladin)构成的危险,但几乎没有迹象表明,任何持续的国家努力都在动员公众对9月11日之前威胁的严重性和即时性。在没有这样的努力的情况下,显然不足以公开关注本·拉丁(Bin Ladin),他对美国的法特瓦(Fatwah)以及他已经针对美国国外利益的攻击的信息。正如克里斯汀·布雷特威尔(Kristen Breitweiser)在第一次公开听证会上的证词中提出的那样,如果公众对公众更加意识到,那么在任何程度上都会减少9月11日的破坏,从而更加戒备,从而对我们在夏季所面临的威胁感到更加警惕。2001年?

Key Questions for the Committees to Consider

In sum, the record now before these Conunittees raises significant questions for consideration by policymakers in both Congress and the Executive branch, as they chart the future path of the Intelligence Community in the war against terrorism. For purposes of this public hearing, these include:


Those are, in our view, legitimate and relevant questions, based on the factual record of this Inquiry. The extent to which effective responses are developed and ultimately implemented could significantly impact the future course of counterterrorist efforts, both within and beyond the boundaries of the Intelligence Community. With that in mind and with a view towards the future, we have asked the witnesses today to address the following:
