
Unclassified Version of
中央情报局局长George J. Tenet的证词



1.�The Joint Inquiry members asked that the highly classified testimony DCI Tenet presented to them June 18 be modified to make it unclassified so that it could be released publicly.� To that end, intelligence sources and methods and all other classified text have been replaced with unclassified text.� The thrust of the Director's statement remains intact.

2.�文本中的以下名称 - e.g。,“(#14)” - 被键入随附图形中的照片,这在两者中都提供JPGPDF格式。


We first locked onto Bin Laden in the period from 1991 to 1996 when he was in Sudan.



We had, in fact, considered ourselves at war with al-Qa'ida since 1998.� By 1998, key elements of CIA's strategy were emphatically offensive rather than defensive.� And in the spring of 1999, we put in place a new strategic operational plan whose central focus was to获得通过其组织的渗透对本·拉丁的情报。


从我们今天知道的剧情的专业精神�The 11 September operation was conducted carefully, patiently, and with evident understanding of how to operate in the United States.�

我提到情节紧密隔间。For intelligence work, breaking into the compartment is key to gaining the precise details of a plot.� We never achieved this success for the 9/11 plot.� We now have several indications of this compartmentation.





围绕9/11调查的一个主要问题是,美国政府如何能够将两个劫机者确定为al-qa'ida,但没有发现他们所属于的情节。Hazmi(#14)和Khalid al-Mihdhar(#12)开发了,我会带您浏览案件。

马来西亚会议在2000年12月对2000年10月的Cole Bombing的调查将Kahlid Al-Mihdhar的一些马来西亚联系与Cole Bombing嫌疑人联系起来时提高了重要意义。一个人认为是Cole攻击的主要计划者之一,通过联合FBI-CIA HUMINT资产。操作员。

In August 2001, because CIA had become increasingly concerned about a major attack in the United States, we reviewed all of our relevant holdings.� During that review, it was determined that al-Mihdhar (#12) and al-Hazmi (#14) had entered the US on 15 January 2000, that al-Mihdhar had left the US on 10 June 2000 and returned on 4 July 2001, and that there was no record of al-Hazmi leaving the country.� On 23 August 2001, CIA sent a Central Intelligence Report to the Department of State, FBI, INS, and other US Government agencies requesting that al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar be entered into VISA/VIPER, TIPOFF, and TECS [Treasury Enforcement Communication System].� The message said that CIA recommends that the two men be watchlisted immediately and denied entry into the US.

我们以前不推荐Al-Hazmi(#14)和Al-Mihdhar(#12)的事实watchlisting is not attributable to a single point of failure.� There were opportunities, both in the field and at Headquarters, to act on developing information.� The fact that this did not happen—aside from questions of CTC workload, particularly around the period of the disrupted Millennium plots—pointed需要一个全新的系统,而不是在系统中的一个点上进行修复。


``我们已经组装了一系列细节,这些细节给出了图片的清晰图片。''Several things allowed us to assemble large amounts of information after the attacks that were not available before the attack.

行动陷入了three general stages:概念化,,,,preparation, 和执行



Mukhtar并不是唯一考虑如何在恐怖袭击中使用商业客机的Bin Ladin合伙人。

Bin Ladin's determination to strike America at home increased with the issuance of the February 1998 fatwa targeting all Americans, both military and civilian.� The ideas about destroying commercial airliners that had been circulating in al-Qa'ida leadership circles for several years appear to have been revived after that fatwa.

In December 1999, the plot moved from conceptualization to preparation, with the arrival in Afghanistan of three young Arab men from Hamburg, Germany who would become pilot-hijackers on 11 September.


The men selected to carry out the 11 September attacks largely fall into three overall categories:


The men from Hamburg were Muhammad Atta (#1), Marwan al-Shehhi (#6), and Ziad Jarrah (#16), on whom the US held no derogatory information prior to 11 September 2001.

穆罕默德·阿塔(#1),,,,an educated middle-class Egyptian, arrived in Hamburg in 1992.

Future hijacker-pilotMarwan al-Shehhi(#6),,,,came to Germany from the United Arab Emirates in April 1996 on a UAE military scholarship.

Ziad Jarrah(#16)像阿塔(Atta)一样来自中产阶级家庭。

A common acquaintance of members of Atta's circle was German-Syrian Muhammad Heydar Zammar, a known al-Qa'ida associate in Hamburg who was detained after 11 September.�

阿塔(Atta)与他的室友也门拉姆齐·本·希伯(Yemeni Ramzi bin al-Shibh)的关系,可能对将汉堡圈子的伊斯兰主义信仰集中在al-qa'ida上也可能至关重要。自9月11日起,我们收到了各种报告ReportsReports将Bin al-Shibh识别为重要的Al-Qa'ida操作员,我们怀疑,与三位汉堡飞行员不同,他甚至在1995年移居德国之前也可能与al-Qa'ida有联系。

The al-Qa'ida Veterans



The young Saudi men who made up the bulk of the support hijackers became involved with al-Qa'ida in the late 1990s, we have learned since 11 September.

作为对激进伊斯兰教的承诺的一部分,这些年轻的沙特人前往阿富汗在他们流亡的乡下人Usama bin Ladin的营地中训练。

沙特Hani Hanjur(#11)第四飞行员在某些方面与其他年轻的沙特劫机者相似,但由于:

Hani Hanjur (#11) expressed an early wish to participate in a jihad conflict, but�did not appear to experience a sudden increase in his religious fervor until 1992.� That year, he returned to Saudi Arabia after four-and-a-half months in the US "a different man," according to one of his brothers who spoke to the Western media. Hanjur reportedly now wore a full beard, cut his past social ties, and spent most of his time reading books on religion and airplanes.� In April 1996, Hanjur returned to the US.�� ��


Since 11 September we have also obtained information on哪些AL-QA'IDA领导人参与了在计划在1999年末在阿富汗的关键时期的袭击时。



汉堡飞行员在1999年末和2000年初返回德国的汉堡飞行员在世界各地返回德国,而Qa'ida退伍军人,Nawaf al-Hazmi(#14)和Khalid al-Mihdhar(#12))准备进入美国。





On 3 January 2001,阿塔(#1)从佛罗里达州的坦帕飞往西班牙马德里。飞行员的培训进度并接收有关将于春季开始到达美国的支持劫机者的信息。


正如您可能在媒体上阅读的那样阿塔(#1)allegedly traveled outside the US in early April 2001 to meet with an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague, we are still working to confirm or deny this allegation.

Khalid al-Mihdhar(#12)在该国近一年之外,2001年7月4日返回美国。

2001年7月,阿塔(#1)回到西班牙。On 7 July, he flew from Miami to Zurich, then on to Madrid.�� ��




