
Testimony of Jeffrey H. Smith
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence

Mr. Chairman, it is an honor to appear before you this afternoon to discuss these issues of great national importance.

You have asked me to discuss my views on how the United States should respond to this attack, particularly from an intelligence and law enforcement perspective. You have also asked for my views on the legislation pending before the Senate, particularly on those issues for which this Committee has jurisdiction.

It is a special privilege for me to appear before this Committee, because I was honored to be a member of its staff for nearly five years. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Vice Chairman, I commend you for your leadership over the years, particularly in this extraordinarily difficult and demand time. I am sure this Committee and the Congress will play a great role in leading this nation to victory.

Let me also add, Mr. Chairman, a note of commendation to the truly extraordinary efforts being made by the men and women of the U.S. Intelligence Community. They are working around the clock in an unprecedented effort of dedication and determinination to find out who attacked us, prevent future attacks, and support the U.S. diplomatic, military, law enforcement and intelligence response that is forthcoming. In particular, I know that George Tenet has put his heart and soul in this effort, and he deserves the nation's thanks.





The terrorists have created their own borderless world, and it is therefore ironic -- and most appropriate -- that President Bush has called upon all states to enforce the most basic rules of international law: namely, that states must exercise governmental authority within their defined borders. President Bush has rightly demanded that every state abide by the rule of law by rooting out terrorists on its territory or cooperating with us in doing so. Indeed, all states have a common interest in defeating these forces of terror and fear because these forces can turn on other states as surely as they have turned on us.




This is easier said than done, but the President took a major step in this direction by appointing Governor Ridge as the cabinet-level coordinator for homeland security. The contours of his responsibility are not entirely clear at this point, but consideration should be given to a "civilian CINC" who would be responsible for coordinating the U.S. war on terrorists. Much as the Goldwater-Nichols Defense Reorganization Act of 1986 gave increased authority to our CINCs overseas, a civilian CINC for counter-terrorism could pull together all of the various elements to respond to the war. Perhaps, like a military CINC, the various agencies should assign "forces" to him for the fight. President Bush may have intended that Governor Ridge function in this manner. In any event, I believe we need to continue to work very hard to resolve the organizational issues.


In addition to legal requirements, attitudes and traditional rivalries continue to impair information-sharing. Nevertheless, it has been my experience that when U.S. officials are given a particular mission, they roll up their sleeves, share the information and get the job done. I am sure that is what has happened after this attack. It is now up to Congress to eliminate unnecessary impediments in the law that clog the machinery of government. The Executive Branch, too, must reduce or eliminate unnecessary constraints on the sharing of information.


第三,我们必须像宪法所允许的那样积极进取。例如,我们应该检查是否应更改美国境内的非U.Sitizens进行电子监视的标准,以获取外国情报。昨天Washington PostReportsReports报告(p。A18),联邦调查局希望对乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama Bin Laden)的某些非美国的某些人进行电子监视,袭击发生前美国的某人同事,但司法部不相信FISA下没有足够的权力来获得窃听。如果这是真的,我们应该改变法律。

FISA基本的基本概念是,要求批准在美国收集外国情报的电子监视 - 但标准的标准比犯罪目的较低。FISA还区分了美国人和非美国人的人,从理论上讲,它比美国人更容易获得对非美国人的认股权证。

I have not had time to review the recent case law on surveillance of non-U.S.persons. But I am generally aware that courts have, over time, extended more Fourth Amendment protections to non-U.S. persons. I suspect, however, that most if not all of those cases are criminal cases. I believe, therefore, that Congress should take a hard look at the standards in FISA for conducting surveillance of non-U.S. persons and consider easing the standards for obtaining warrants for electronic surveillance against non-U.S. persons for foreign intelligence purposes.



第四,我们将赢得这场战争 - 但我们如何赢得比赛很重要。我们绝不能在国内滥用法治,以寻求在海外执行它。我们必须确定,并在必要时准备使用致命力。但这并不意味着我们应该正如某人所说的那样,我们应该“扔掉所有规则”。世界已经发展了一个法律机构,战争法,管理武装冲突的行为。这些规则不仅旨在减少战争的恐怖和保护非战斗者的恐怖,而且是出于认识到战争的方式不应通过播种仇恨种子而引起未来冲突的方式。




A national objective must be to assure that U.S. industry remains the world leader in these fields. Our security is much better enhanced by having American industry continue to lead rather than to face information technology and encryption produced overseas, which would happen if the United States exerts an overly heavy hand and interferes in the marketplace in the development of technology.







Turning first tothe bill as introduced on behalf of the Administration,我注意到第103条修改了18 U.S.C.2510(7)允许与联邦政府行政部门的任何官员或雇员共享标题III窃听。




Section 105 appears to codify the so-called "silver platter" doctrine; namely that when a foreign government provides information to the U.S. Government for which the U.S. Government has not asked nor had any role in collecting, the U.S. Government may use that information. However, I am troubled by the proposed language of the new Section 2514(l)(b). It would require that when a U.S. official participated in the electronic surveillance, the information collected may only be used when it "would have been lawful if executed within the United States." That may be entirely appropriate in the case of a criminal prosecution, but I do not believe such limitation should apply in acase of collection of foreign intelligence. There may also be reason to distinguish between information collected on a U.S. person - for which a higher standard might be appropriate - and a non-U.S. person.


Section 152 expands the obligations of third parties to furnish assistance to the government under FISA, particularly when the target moves frequently to avoid detection. This is substantially the same as Section 203 of Senator Graham's bill and enhances the ability to monitor individuals who move rapidly to change the mode of their communication to avoid detection. It also seems sensible and should be adopted.

第153条将更改FISA的语言,以便在外国情报是调查的“目的”目的的情况下可以使用它,而不是现行法律将其限制在调查的唯一或主要目的的情况下。与上述概述的观点一致,我认为这是一个适当的变化。我相信,这种情况应该具有决定是否发起FISA收藏的灵活性,尤其是当涉及外国国民时,而不是被迫进入具有更高标准的标题III收藏。但是,委员会应询问政府在政府认为这是适当的情况下,现行法律是否限制了其执行FISA的能力。委员会应谨慎认可这一变更,因为它具有政府寻求FISA监视令的潜力 - 当它没有足够的信息以获取标题III命令时 - 但是在其中获得的外国情报信息是遥控或高度投机。

第154条外国我呼吁更大的分享ntelligence information held in the hands of the Department of Justice, whether in a grand jury proceeding or obtained under Title III. I believe this is an extremely important provision but note that it does not appear to be codified. I believe it should be. I also note that it is similar to Section 354 of the Administration's bill and Section 301 of Senator Graham's bill. My first impression is that this provision in the Administration's bill is the most clear. In particular, the Administration's proposal mentions Rule 6E of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, which has been a significant bar to providing relevant information from Grand Jury investigations to the intelligence community.



Section 157 expands the authority of the FBI to issue National Security Letters to request certain information. Current law requires both a showing of relevance and a showing of links to "an agent of a foreign power." The elimination of this latter requirement would permit the FBI to seek information in the same fashion as with criminal subpoenas. It seems to me sensible and should be adopted.

Section 354 makes specific changes to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, and in combination with Section 154 seems a sensible approach.



Turning to主席建议的法案, I have the following comments.


Section 102 revises the National Security Act to make it clear that the DCI has particular responsibilities for international terrorism. Again, I believe this is a good change, as there has been considerable debate within the Executive Branch as to primacy for the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on international terrorism. This is a welcome change.





I do have reservations about Section 103 of this bill. First, it provides that an officer may maintain a relationship only "for purposes of acquiring information." Thus, if an officer had a relationship with a source inside a terrorist organization, this language would limit our ability to direct that officer to use that relationship to disrupt a terrorist organization, for example by feeding misinformation to his source or by using his source to support a covert operation that would be designed to disrupt or destroy the terrorist organization. Second, it raises questions about CIA case officers dealing with persons inother groups, such as international organized crime or international narcotics organizations, that enjoy no similar provision.


Section 104 defers submittal to Congress of certain reports and will surely be most welcome.

Section 201 amends FISA to exclude from the definition of interception an instruction or signal that is given to operate an electronic device. That seems a sensible provision and should be adopted.

Sections 202 and 203 are analogous to Sections 151 and 152 in the Administration's bill and, as noted above, should be adopted.

Section 204 seeks to clarify the relationship between Title III and FISA wiretaps. The consequences of this provision are not immediately clear but it does not seem sensible to me to have a situation in which two collections efforts are being mounted in parallel.


Sections 302, 303 and 304 also make reasonable and thoughtful changes to existing law and should be adopted.
