
小组委员会成员和董事长Shays的早安成员, I am Dr. David R. Johnson, Deputy Director for Public Health and Chief Medical Executive for the Michigan Department of Community Health. I am here today representing the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO). ASTHO is an alliance of the chief health officers in each of the 57 US states and territories. My testimony also reflects perspectives of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) and the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) as each of us plays a role in ensuring the readiness of local and state public health systems to respond to a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) event. ASTHO greatly appreciates the国会议员谢斯(Shays)在举行有关恐怖主义准备和医疗第一回应的听证会上的领导才能。

The threat of terrorist acts is no longer speculative, but reality. The terrorist bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995 and the 1995 nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway are seared into Americans' consciousness. Recent conflict with Iraq over weapons inspections remind us that biological and chemical weapons are probably in the possession of a number of hostile governments. Even more frightening, weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including deadly biological agents, are very likely within the capability of a number of non-governmental extremist groups both domestic and foreign.

This means we must also be aware of and prepared for the possibility of a biological or chemical terrorist event here, in the United States. Readiness for such an attack not only means making sure our national security systems are adequate and vigilant, but that each state has a emergency disaster plan that addresses preparedness, response and recovery for the purpose of minimizing catastrophic numbers of casualties.

One of the challenges facing the public health community in the policy debate over bioterrorism readiness has been clarifying the critical role of public health and the gaps faced by health departments to fill that role. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), in conjunction with other public health partners, has been involved in defining the essential state health department functions, with performance measures necessary for preparing and reacting as first responders to a bioterrorist incident. Some of those functions would involve: 1) epidemiologic detection and laboratory analysis, 2) compilation and analysis of information, 3) communication, and 4) coordination of outbreak control, which includes essential equipment and treatment facilities. However, for public health departments to be fully prepared to deal with a bioterrorist attack and carry out essential public health services, they must assure that the workforce at the state, regional and local levels are supplied with both the perspective and tools necessary to carry out the job. Practical training that assures appropriate response, reassures the public, and manages the media effectively will go a long way in reducing fatalities and panic with any emerging infectious disease as well as with a clandestine release of a biological agent.


成功的准备大规模destr武器uction emergency will depend on the development of a well-orchestrated plan to be used in responding to an event. The implementation of that plan will vary, depending on the nature of the attack. If the incident involves biological agents, public health officials including epidemiologists and infectious disease experts, as well as emergency room personnel and critical care unit personnel will be key players and first responders. If the incident involves chemical or explosive agents, public health officials would be complementary, but not central, to the management of the emergency. However, regardless of the nature of the attack, the role of public health in the planning aspects will include identification of existing assets and assessment of needs, resource allocation for preparedness, stockpiling of supplies, medical training for treatment and communication with the public.




State health agencies would play a role in the detection phase. In Michigan, the Communicable Disease Epidemiology Division within our Bureau of Epidemiology facilitates a relationship between state and local public health communicable disease epidemiology programs somewhat analogous to the relationship between the CDC and states. Local health departments provide routine on-site monitoring and case investigation; state epidemiologists operate specialized surveillance systems and provide consultative and on-site assistance for the more unusual and life-threatening urgent situations.

此外,州公共卫生实验室工作人员和私人临床实验室人员的培训 - 认识到异常的病原体或细菌 - 在紧急情况准备中是公共卫生的关键作用。许多病原体看起来与自然发生的物质相似,可以被医院实验室丢弃,从而减慢对生物恐怖袭击的识别,最重要的是有效的反应。如果我们想防止不必要的净化和昂贵的抗生素课程,那么在我们最近和全国范围内反复见证了,迅速确定物质是否含有致命的微生物或无害粉末,如果我们要防止不必要的净化和昂贵的抗生素课程,这是必不可少的。。








Under most circumstances, the initial detection and response to a terrorist event will take place at the local level. Faced with an unusual illness of unknown cause, practitioners will need to rely on clinical diagnoses while awaiting the results of confirmatory laboratory tests. While assessing events involving biologic agents, the local health department will rapidly need to review available public health surveillance data to determine the nature and extent of the outbreak. In events involving chemicals, the local health department will work closely with the Local Emergency Planning Committee, which is responsible for coordinating its response efforts with those of state and federal authorities. Local health departments would also actively gather data from health care providers and first responders regarding exposed persons and casualties in the community, deliver and coordinate delivery of medical services, and notify local and state and federal health officials.

积极监测取决于能力of the laboratory to rapidly and accurately analyze samples for evidence. Many clinical symptoms -- naturally occurring as the result of an attack -- will look similar in the earliest stages of disease. Only laboratory analysis can diagnose the pathogen and reveal the terrorist intent. This will require staff with the necessary technical expertise and equipment and supplies, including at a minimum, Biosafety level three containment facilities to work with extremely hazardous etiologic agents. Maintaining state-of-the-art capability for detection and identification as technological advancements occur will be required of at least one laboratory in each state. Public health laboratories, ideally suited for this critical role, will need constant upgrading of staff skills, equipment and reagents.




Currently, CDC is providing a handful of state health departments with funding for emergency preparedness planning to serve as models for the other states. These grants, hopefully, will also make it easier to work with other relevant agencies.






States also need adequate epidemiologic resources for generic on-going surveillance of unusual diseases or conditions. To conduct such surveillance, state health departments need adequate numbers of epidemiologists trained to recognize both natural and intentional events and institute appropriate measures to control them. States need a source of unencumbered funding for these surveillance systems. Systems that also benefit preparedness for non-terrorist events will also provide benefits for surveillance systems that detect influenza, unintentional food poisoning, or environmental hazards. States also need an adequate number of epidemiologists trained in detection, control and treatment of biological agents.










In closing, public health’s priority areas are:

  • 规划。在地方和州卫生部门一级的准备计划和准备就绪评估,以协助制定和实施生物或化学恐怖袭击后解决公共卫生问题的计划乐动冠军
  • Surveillance and epidemiologic capacity。为州和主要城市卫生部门提供帮助,以增强,设计或开发系统,以快速检测出异常疾病的爆发,这可能是涉及生物或化学药物的恐怖主义的结果
  • 实验室能力。加强州和主要城市公共卫生实验室的能力
  • Health alert network。Establishing and maintaining a communications network at the state and local health department level to support the exchange of key information over the Internet, training of health workers, assuring organizational capacity to respond to bioterrorism and other urgent needs caused by health threats and rapid dissemination of public health advisories to the news media and the public at large.
