恐怖主义预防法案 - 会议报告(参议院 - 1996年4月17日)


主持人。根据先前的命令,参议院现在将恢复对S. 735的会议报告的考虑,该报告将报告该报告。


S. 735伴随的会议报告,该法案是为了预防和惩罚出于其他目的的恐怖主义行为。



利希先生。Mr. President, I move to recommit the conference report on the bill S. 735 to the committee of conference with instructions to the managers on the part of the Senate to disagree to the conference substitute recommended by the committee of conference and insist on striking the text of section 414 (relating to summary exclusion), section 422 (relating to modification of asylum procedures) and section 423 (relating to preclusion of judicial review) from the conference substitute.

主持人。There are 30 minutes on the motion, to be equally divided.


利希先生。Mr. President, I yield myself 6 minutes.

Mr. President, I will ask for the yeas and nays on this at the appropriate time but, I understand that the distinguished chairman of the committee is on his way to the floor. I would not make such a request until he was on the floor.


我理解试图在俄克拉荷马城对联邦大楼的可怕爆炸案1周年纪念日通过该会议报告的象征意义,就此而言,这是攻城末期3周年纪念日韦科附近。可以说,我们想安排国会的决议或意识与阵亡将士纪念日相吻合,但在这里我们谈论的是一项非常重要的立法。虽然我认为我们所有人都憎恶俄克拉荷马州发生的一切 - 肯定的是,没有任何理智的美国人可以对俄克拉荷马城的悲剧发生任何事情,无论我们属于美国参议员,我们也有责任,通过我们可以通过的最佳法律。毕竟,这就是美国人民的期望。

The vast majority of Americans are opposed to terrorism, terrorism of any sort, and they assume that their elected officials, both Republicans and Democrats, are going to pass good anti-terrorism legislation.如果要花一天或两天才能正确,那么让我们多花一天或两天。我们正在为一个受恐怖主义威胁的2.5亿美国人,一个非常强大的国家(一个非常强大的国家)这样做。

参议院大约一年前于1995年6月6日通过了S. 735。房子上个月仅考虑其版本。会议委员会显然会见了几个晚上,我们昨天向会议报告递交了会议报告,指示将其急速通过。自参议院通过了这项法案以来,经过了将近10个月的经历,我希望我们花时间至少阅读会议报告。而且,我敢建议,这里没有五名参议员,甚至还阅读了会议报告,或者对他们正在投票的最大概念。





I disagree as well with the habeas corpus sections of the conference report, but at least we had the opportunity to debate and amend those provisions. The asylum rewrite was done in the dark of the night and it is being forced on us today. I think that is wrong.

在周一的《纽约时报》的首页上,别无其他。您会看到为什么我们不得在法案中采用摘要排除条款的最新示例。有一篇关于Fauziya Kasinga案的文章以及她从多哥飞行以避免女性生殖器肢解的文章。她试图在这个国家找到圣所,只是被拘留,催泪,殴打,孤立和虐待 - 不是在某些遥远的土地上,而是美利坚合众国。此案使这个国家的男女愤怒。


在我们面前的立法下,她将出去。`艰难。回去肢解。我们不在乎。我们有一项法律 - 我们从未见过的,我们从未辩过过的法律,我们都没有花费时间 - 允许您简要排除。你出去了。

Fidel Castro's daughter is another recent example of a refugee who came here using a disguise and phony Spanish passport to seek asylum. She came through Spain. Under the provisions of this bill, she might have been turned away at the border after a summary interview by a low-level immigration officer. We all know that there are political reasons why Fidel Castro's daughter should be granted asylum. Under the provisions of the conference report before us, slipped into the bill in the middle of the night, are barriers that could make that impossible.

I yield myself 2 more minutes.

In my `Dear Colleague' letter on my proposed amendment to these sections in the immigration bill and in the additional views I filed with the committee report on the immigration bill I also recall victims of the Holocaust and their use of false identification provided by the brave diplomats Raoul Wallenberg and Chiune Sugihara during World War II. Think of Oskar Schindler, think of 'Schindler's List.' These are the kind of things that we need to consider before adopting this conference report.





The Committee to Preserve Asylum has sent each of us a letter outlining the ways in which similar provisions in the immigration bill would harm human rights and endanger refugees. In their April 8 letter supporting the Leahy amendment they outline cases in which these provisions would have been disastrous.



The Department of Justice counsels that we should allow immigration judges rather than asylum officers to make these determinations. Under the circumstances, I believe that we have moved too far too fast and allowed a few cases from the distant past to create bad law.




Furthermore, the proposed legislation would deny the Federal courts their historic role in overseeing the implementation of our immigration laws and review of individual administrative decisions. The bill would allow no judicial review whether a person is actually excludable. These proposals thereby portent a fundamental change in the role of our coordinate branches of Government and a dangerous precedent.

除了从根本上不公平地不公平地受到创伤且疲劳的难民,他们不允许不允许助手,也没有口译员,拟议的摘要筛查过程还会实现繁重且昂贵的INS资源转移。例如,在1995年,只有3,287名寻求庇护者到达没有有效文件的情况下到达 - 数以万计的人声称这些变化是合理的。该法案将要求在全国各地的机场,海港和其他入境港口创建并张贴一批经过专门培训的庇护官员,以便在边境进行简易筛查。当庇护过程已经受到控制时,根本不需要以这种方式转移这些资源。

There are no exigent circumstances that require this Nation to turn its back on its traditional role as a refuge from oppression and to resort to summary exclusion processes. Neither the Department of Justice nor the INS support these provisions or believe them necessary.


[Page: S3429]



立法clerk proceeded to call the roll.



哈奇先生。Mr. President, regarding the motion to recommit the conference report by the distinguished Senator from Vermont, now, look, this bill is a tough bipartisan measure. Stated simply, it is a landmark piece of legislation. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle know it. We have crafted a bill that puts the Nation's interests above partisan politics.

然而,我的一些同事批评该法案对恐怖分子的态度不足。实际上,许多人反对这项法案,因为它对恶性,定罪的凶手太艰难了 - 不是我来自佛蒙特州的朋友,而是其他人。我的同事们知道,这一提升的动议不会改善账单。相反,如果它通过,它将破坏抗恐怖主义法案。换句话说,它将杀死它。


利希先生。Mr. President, would the Senator withhold just a moment?



哈奇先生。I thought maybe the Senator had used his time.

I withdraw my request.



哈奇先生。We can wait until then.



主持人。The Chair recognizes the Senator from Vermont.




荣誉。帕特里克·莱希(Patrick J. Leahy),

Dear Senator Leahy:我们是宗教团体,人权组织,相关医师以及移民和民权倡导者的临时联盟,他们聚集在一起,反对新的酒吧,以申请S. 269中包含的庇护。

The right to seek asylum is an internationally recognized human right, incorporated into U.S. law by Congress in the 1980 Refugee Act. It protects individuals fleeing persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. Each year the U.S. grants asylum to about 8,000 people, less than 1% of legal immigrants. The new bars to asylum contained in S. 269, the Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act, would seriously undermine human rights protections for these bona fide refugees.

The new bars to asylum, found in sections 133 and 193 of the bill, would give low level immigration officers the authority to exclude and deport without a fair hearing refugees who were forced to flee persecution without valid travel documents. For reasons illustrated in the attached documents, this section would effectively deny asylum to many human rights victims. It will also cost more money. Senator Leahy will offer an amendment on the Senate floor that will preserve procedural protections for people escaping religious and political persecution.


Sincerely yours,


American Friends Service Committee.


Amigos de los sobreviviventes。

Amnesty International.

Associated Catholic Charities of New Orleans.


Ayuda, Inc., Washington, DC.

Center for Immigrants Rights, Inc.

Central American Resource Center--CARECEN of Washington, DC.



Columban Fathers' Justice & Peace Office.

Comite Hispano de Virginia.

Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees.

Committee to Protect Journalists.



El Centro Hispanoamericano.




Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.



Immigrant and Refugee Services of America.

Immigrant Legal Resource Center.




Jesuit Social Ministries.

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago.




Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture.

Mennonite Central Committee.


National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium.

Network: A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby.





Political Asylum/Immigration Representation Project, Boston College Law School.

Proyecto Adelante.

Proyecto San Pablo.

Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights.

Sponsors Organized to Assist Refugees, OR.

Union of Council of Soviet Jews.


Vietnamese Association of Illinois.


- -

The New Bars to Asylum Would Return Human Rights Victims to Further Persecution


Sections 133 and 193 of S. 269, the Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act, would give low-level immigration officers the authority to deport back to their persecutors refugees who were forced to flee persecution without valid travel documents. The new bars to asylum would punish people whose only means of fleeing repressive governments is by using invalid travel documents.


Under current law, a person who arrives in the United States without valid travel documents and fears persecution in his or her home country may go before an immigration judge and prove eligibility for asylum. The asylum seeker may be represented at the hearing at no cost to the government.


The new bars and summary procedures are problematic for several reasons.

“虚假文件”规则将损害人权受害者。从定义上讲,寻求庇护者经常担心政府对本国的迫害 - 同一政府发行旅行文件并检查身份证明文件和在机场和边境过境点的退出许可证。乐动冠军应该回忆说,美国长期以来一直向劳尔·沃伦伯格(Raoul Wallenberg)致敬,劳尔·沃伦伯格(Raoul Wallenberg)通过发行非正式的旅行文件来挽救了无数生命,以便难民可以逃离进一步的迫害。

Meritorious asylum seekers would be returned to persecution. The INS has made serious errors while trying to apply the `credible fear' test. Under current law, asylum seekers who arrive in the U.S. without valid travel documents are detained pending their hearing unless they prove a `credible fear' of persecution in their home country. Human rights organizations have documented many cases in which people were denied parole under this standard, but later were granted asylum at their hearing before an immigration judge. Under the new bars to asylum, they would have been returned to persecution. A summary of some of these case studies is attached.

司法部反对新的酒吧庇护。副检察长杰米·戈雷利克(Jamie Gorelick)在2月14日给司法委员会主席Orrin G.哈奇(Orrin G.定期程序。

新酒吧将否认必须在前往美国的途中更换飞机的难民保护。在能够申请庇护之前,使用虚假文件的难民必须证明他们需要离开她的国家或通过另一个国家过境。这一要求将使逃离没有直接运输路线的国家的寻求庇护者以及必须通过没有庇护法的国家 /地区的土地行驶的国家,与他们逃离的政府友好,或者是逃离的国家或对其背景或国籍的人敌对。来自亚洲和非洲国家的难民尤其面临这种情况。




鲍勃(Bob)是苏丹喀土穆大学(University of Sudan)的一名学生,是反政府组织民主联盟党的积极成员。参加和平的学生抗议活动后,他被苏丹政府逮捕。他被拘留在6乘11英尺的牢房中,另外10名囚犯被拘留了2个月。在他的监禁期间,他多次受到审问和酷刑 - 他被他的手和脚吊死,被殴打和震惊。由于酷刑,他的肘部被永久变形。从监狱获释后,他仍然活跃于民主运动。然后,当他步行参加民主联盟会议时,他再次被捕并入狱。几个月后,当他仍在监狱中时,由于遭受了酷刑,他遭受了神经崩溃。他被转移到医院,但仍被捕。鲍勃穿着母亲走私到医院的护士制服,逃脱了监禁。



Fearing for his life, Alan fled to the United States using a false passport. He told the INS he wanted asylum immediately. He explained to the INS officials that he and his family had been persecuted by the Indian government. The INS officers at the airport did not think he was credible. The officials verbally abused Alan and denied him food and water until he was brought to a detention center the next day. Alan was not released from detention because the INS did not think he had a credible fear of persecution even though he presented the INS with reports about religious persecution in Kashmir. Alan was later granted asylum by an immigration judge.


Sam fled to the United States right out of hiding. He changed planes in Amsterdam. He traveled with a false U.S. passport. He was afraid that the Nigerian government would arrest him if he tried to leave the country with his own identification papers. When he arrived in the United States, he immediately told the INS that he wanted asylum. He was placed in detention. The INS interviewed him to determine whether he had a credible fear of persecution; the INS concluded that he did not. He was granted asylum by a federal court.


没有异议,这封信被命令在记录, as follows:

High Commissioner for Refugees,
Re Special Exclusion Provisions of S. 269.

荣誉。帕特里克·利希(Patrick Leahy),

Dear Senator Leahy:我希望在3月14日的司法委员会标记会议上删除S. 269的特殊排斥规定的努力表示感谢,这些规定在该法案的第133、141和193节中发现,几乎可以肯定会肯定会导致在美国,善良的难民将其生命或自由受到威胁的国家。

As noted in my 6 March letter to Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, we offer our views regarding S. 269 with the hope that you and the other members of the Judiciary Committee will seek to adhere to the standards and principles set forth in the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, to which the U.S. acceded in 1968.

In particular, UNHCR is concerned with the following special exclusion provisions:

(1)缺乏适当的过程 - 第133、141和193节提供的程序保障措施很少,以确保不会错误地返回真正的难民遭到迫害。


The `prompt supervisory review' provided for in Section 193 (p. IC-36, line 12) does not meet these minimum procedural guidelines.




(a) `[A]sylum should not be refused solely on the ground that it could be sought from another State. Where, however, it appears that a person, before requesting asylum, already has a connexion or close links with another State, he may if it appears fair and reasonable be called upon first to request asylum from that State' (UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusion No. 15 (1979) (emphasis added)).

(b) When refugees and asylum-seekers move in an irregular manner (without proper documentation) from a country where they have already found protection, they may be returned to that country if, in addition to being protected against refoulement (i.e. protected against return to a country where their lives or freedom would be threatened), they are treated in accordance with `recognized basic human standards' (UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusion No. 58 (1989)). UNHCR is prepared to assist in practical arrangement for the readmission and reception of such persons, consistent with these international standards.

(3)可靠的恐惧标准——部分133,141193 create a new, heightened threshold standard that asylum-seekers must meet before they are permitted to present their claims in a hearing before an immigration judge. Under these sections, asylum-seekers who are brought or escorted to the US from a vessel at sea (Sections 133 and 141), who have entered the US without inspection, but have not resided in the US for two years or more (Section 141), who arrive during an `extraordinary migration situation' (Section 141) or who arrive at a port of entry with false documents or no documents (Section 193) must first establish a `credible fear' of persecution before they are permitted to present their claims in an asylum hearing before an immigration judge. UNHCR urges the adoption of a `manifestly unfounded' or `clearly abusive' standard which would reduce the risk that a bona fide refugee is erroneously returned to a country where s/he has a well-founded fear of persecution. This international standard for expeditious refugee status determinations is set forth in UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusion No. 30 (1983).




Anne Willem Bijleveld,


利希先生。总统先生,我没有任何试图脱轨。我只是说这是在深夜藏在其中的东西。没有人有机会辩论它。它在这里。对于从菲德尔·卡斯特罗(Fidel Castro)的姐姐到逃避酷刑和宗教迫害的人来到美国的任何人,如果经过第二个国家或带着虚假的护照旅行去做这件事,这将使人们不可能或几乎不可能。

这是没有意义的。那不是反恐怖主义的情况。看看“辛德勒的名单”。请记住Raoul Wallenberg。考虑那些通过使用虚假护照逃避迫害的人,他们可以离开该国。他们很可能必须经过一个中间国家才能进入地球上最伟大的自由国家。仅仅因为有人将这些规定滑入了会议报告中,所以让我们不要随身携带。这是应该辩论的事情。

Our own Department of Justice does not support these provisions of the bill. I think in fact the Justice Department reiterated their opposition to them in an April 16 letter on similar provisions in the immigration bill to the majority leader. Deputy Attorney General Gorelick wrote us, `absent smuggling or an extraordinary migration situation, we can handle asylum applications for excludable aliens under our regular procedures.'


Mr. HATCH addressed the Chair.


哈奇先生。总统先生,我不真的有thing more to say other than this is a very important piece of legislation. It is a key piece of legislation. It is desired by almost everybody who wants to do anything against terrorism. It is effective and strong. Even though we acknowledge we do not have everything everybody wants in this bill, it is a darn good bill that will make a real difference. If this motion or any motion to recommit passes, this bill is dead, it will be killed. So we simply have to defeat any and all motions to recommit. I will move to table the amendment at the appropriate time. I am prepared to yield back the balance of my time on this amendment.



拜登先生。Mr. President, the Senator from Utah, the distinguished chairman of the committee, keeps referencing that----


利希先生。Yes. I understand I have about 4 minutes. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Delaware.


Some of this has not been well thought out. Much of what we left out of the bill, I am convinced, on reconsideration by our friends in the House, they would change their view. But I want to make it clear, I do not believe there is any evidence to suggest that sending this back to conference with specific instructions would kill the bill.


Mr. LEAHY addressed the Chair.

主持人。The Chair recognizes the Senator from Vermont.


Mrs. BOXER. No. I am waiting for the next motion.

利希先生。Mr. President, I thought Senator肯尼迪希望对此发言。


哈奇先生。I am prepared to yield back the balance of my time.




哈奇先生。Senators should be aware there will be two consecutive rollcall votes following completion of all debate on the next motion.

Mr. President, I also ask unanimous consent to move to table the Leahy amendment and ask for the yeas and nays.

