国务院对伊朗人民摩雅人组织的看法-HON。李·H·汉密尔顿(Lee H. Hamilton)(讲话的扩展 - 1992年4月28日)




in the House of Representatives


The Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK), a leftist revolutionary group, was formed in 1963.

Its founding principles included the creation of a Marxist-oriented Islamic government in Iran; opposition to `imperialism' as supposedly embodied by the United States; opposition to Zionism and Israel; and a close affinity to Third World radical movements.

Its political philosophy put the MEK at the forefront of those Iranian opposition groups advocating the overthrow of the Shah and led to the MEK's strongly opposing the involvement of the United States in Iran. The MEK publicly supported the seizure of our Embassy in Tehran in 1979.

To achieve its political objectives, the MEK almost from its inception has engaged in acts of terrorism and violence; the organization was responsible for fatal attacks on several Americans in Iran in the 1970s.


MEK的军事派别,全国Liberation Army, operates from bases in Iraq and received Iraqi support for offensives into Iranian territory during the Iran-Iraq war. It continues to receive Iraqi support and protection.



Washington, DC, February 27, 1992.

Hon. Lee H. Hamilton,

Dear Representative Hamilton,I have recently learned that the United States Department of State has been sending a text entitled `Fact Sheet: The Mojahedin-e-Khalq, People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran' to those senators and representatives who have requested information on the Mojahedin, a member organization of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. This fact sheet, which I have enclosed for your information (Enclosure 1), unfortunately contains incomplete and inaccurate information. To clarify any questions in this regard, I draw your attention to the following text:

1. With regard to the Mojahedin's revolutionary nature, if the American and French peoples' struggles for their nations' freedom, independence and democracy (1776 and 1789) are considered revolutions, the Mojahedin are also revolutionaries. They are fighting for their nation's liberation from one of the most hated dictatorships of the contemporary era, and seek to establish peace and democracy in their homeland. The Mojahedin are revolutionary in the same sense as the people of Italy, who took up arms to save themselves from Mussolini's fascism.

Revolution and armed struggle, when all peaceful avenues to realize the people's fundamental rights have reached an impasse, are recognized as the only resort by all religious authorities, as noted in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc. In a noted press conference reported by the Vatican publicationL'Osservatore Romanoon April 5, 1986, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, President of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, introduced a document entitled `Christian Liberty and Liberation,' wherein it is stated: `Armed struggle is the last resort to end blatant and prolonged repression which has seriously violated the fundamental rights of individuals and has dangerously damaged the general interests of a country.'


(外壳2)实际上,莫哈赫丁是伊朗和国外霍梅尼政权恐怖主义的受害者。在莫哈赫丁(Mojahedin)能够公开并正式在伊朗内部进行政治活动的时期,该组织的成员和支持者中有70多个被霍梅尼政权非正式地指导的恐怖分子谋杀。在国外,霍梅尼的外交恐怖主义者负责莫哈赫丁和国家抵抗委员会对各个国家的许多代表的伤害或暗杀。这些受害者包括瑞士NCR代表Kazem Rajavi教授和伊朗抵抗领导人Massoud Rajavi先生的兄弟。根据瑞士警察和调查裁判官的说法,拉贾维教授的谋杀案由13人携带伊朗正式服务护照。(外壳3)

The Mojahedin were obliged to choose armed struggle as the last avenue of confronting the Khomeini regime--a right officially recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all religious authorities--after exhausting all peaceful, democratic avenues to establish freedom and democracy in Iran; after all the organization's official, public centers had been closed down; after more than 70 Mojahedin supporters and members had been murdered for no reason, and 3,000 others arrested and subsequently executed without being charged; and finally, after the peaceful demonstration by 500,000 people, called by the Mojahedin on June 20, 1981, was turned into a bloodbath by the Khomeini regime, and groups of 50 and 100 of their supporters were subsequently executed集团for the `crime' of possessing newspapers. (Enclosure 4)

This struggle is conducted only against the regime's officials--who are responsible for the murder of 100,000 people and the imprisonment and torture of 150,000, as well as for international terrorism and hostage-taking--and suppressive forces.


Mr. Rajavi has repeatedly declared that `from the Mojahedin's standpoint, no death--not even that of our suppressive enemies within the Khomeini regime--is to be welcomed in itself. It is even regrettable. Were it not for the Khomeini regime's blocking all avenues of peaceful political opposition and had it not
responded to any call for freedom with execution, the Resistance would not have been necessary.'

Furthermore, for years the Mojahedin's armed resistance has been carried out within the framework of the National Liberation Army of Iran, whose duty is to bring about the military overthrow of the Kohmeini regime. The specifics and methods of this army, consisting of tank, armored, artillery, mechanized and other units, are completely in line with the criteria outlined in the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949. The NLA is `commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates'; has `a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance'; carries arms `openly'; and conducts its `operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.' These characteristics have been observed on numerous occasions by the international journalists and observers who have visited the NLA's garrisons.


3. The regime of the Shah was the first to brand the Mojahedin `Marxist.' A profoundly freedom-loving and democratic force, the Mojahedin fought against the Shah's regime only after perceiving that all avenues of peaceful political opposition had been closed. The label `Marxist' was applied to them for this reason, i.e. their opposition to the Shah. Of course, the Mojahedin were rightly known among a large sector of Iranian society as a Muslim force, and the Shah could not apply the label `Marxist' by itself. He therefore invented the label `Islamic Marxist' in reference to the Mojahedin.


In response to the charge that the Mojahedin are Marxist, Mr. Massoud Rajavi, Leader of the Iranian Resistance, told Time
magazine on September 14, 1981: `Every high school student knows believing in God, Jesus Christ and Muhammad is incompatible with the philosophy of Marxism. Everyone knows that, even Khomeini. But for dictators like Khomeini, `Marxist Islamic' is a very profitable phrase to use against any opposition. If Jesus Christ and Muhammad were alive and protesting against Khomeini, he would call them Marxists too.'


The reapplication of these labels in the current international situation and subsequent to the collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Block, and in relation to a movement which has millions of supporters throughout Iran, doesn't stick. In fact, it is due to the Mojahedin's faith in the modern and democratic Islam that they have been able to deeply influence Iranian society throughout their 27-year history, and to grow on a daily basis despite the Khomeini regime's savage killings and suppression. The Mojahedin's resilience, moreover, coincides with the demise of all the Marxist groups in Iran, who were eliminated within the first two years of Khomeini's rule.

From another perspective, the Mojahedin are the only real solution to the spreading fundamentalism of the criminal mullahs ruling Iran. The experience of past years has shown that the other political trends and solutions were incapable of opposing this regime, which, after centuries, had seized religious and political power in one of the world's most strategic regions. In this region, which is profoundly Islamic in nature, only a democratic and modern Islam, represented in Iran by the Mojahedin, could and can counteract the spector of fundamentalism. In the name of Islam, this fundamentalist phenomenon perpetrates unprecedented bloodshed and killings. The Mojahedin's Islam, in contrast, bears a message of co-existence, democracy, peace, and mercy.

4.在具体处理的费用anti-American, or anti any country, contained in the fact sheet, I should state that the documents and declared programs of the Mojahedin and NCR are sufficiently clear. If the writers of this fact sheet had obtained these documents, they would perhaps have referred to them in their fact sheet. For example, Mr. Rajavi states in introducing the Program of the National Council of Resistance of Iran: `We have no enmity toward any country, and seek amicable and respectful


Elsewhere, Mr. Rajavi has said that contrary to Khomeini's regime, Iran's future government will not be anti-Western `since such hostility in reality embraces the backward ideas of the Middle Ages.' Mr. Rajavi has also pointed out Iran's technical, economic, scientific, cultural, and artistic needs in relation to Western countries, adding that rather than being anti-western, the Mojahedin seek equal and independent relations.


However, with regard to the Shah's reign, the Shah was hated by the people of Iran for his dictatorship and his crimes. Unfortunately, the United States, due to its incorrect information on and analysis of the socio-political situation in Iran, actively supported the Shah until the last months of his reign. In consequence, anti-Americanism was widespread among the Iranian public. Under the circumstances, the Mojahedin naturally did not agree with such U.S. support, which was neither in the interests of Iran's people, nor of regional peace and stability.

霍梅尼利用公众的情绪suppress and execute the Mojahedin, and his regime continues to do so. The Mojahedin, from the outset, had consistently declared that the primary enemies of the Iranian people were the Khomeini regime, fundamentalism and religious retrogression. In order to eliminate democratic freedoms, Khomeini and the supporters of Moscow were demagogically telling the people that their primary enemy was American imperialism.

It is regrettable that positions occasionally adopted by the State Department against this Resistance, which has sacrificed 100,000 execution victims for the freedom of its homeland, have thwarted our efforts to expose the suppressive objectives behind the Khomeini regime's anti-Americanism. Ultimately, the only result has been to enhance pessimism among the Iranian people.

The taking of American diplomats hostage in Tehran, an act which the fact sheet unfortunately claims the Mojahedin supported, had but one objective: the suppression of opposition, and in particular of the Mojahedin, under the guise of `struggle against America.' Indeed, not only were the Mojahedin not supportive of or involved in the taking of American hostages, they were the primary victims of the incident.


As for the participation of the Mojahedin in the assassinations of several Americans in Iran, it should be recalled that the Mojahedin Organization had carried out no military operations prior to the arrest of all of its leaders in August 1971. All of the Mojahedin's leaders were executed by the Shah, with the single exception of Mr. Rajavi, who was sentenced to life imprisonment due to the international activities and intervention of Amnesty International and a number of Western public figures, including President Francois Mitterrand. Mr. Rajavi remained incarcerated, along with the other leading figures of the Mojahedin, until January 1979.

关于确实离开监狱的莫哈赫丁成员,许多人随后透露他们是马克思主义者,后来以“ Peykar dar dar azadi tabageh Kargar”的名字命名(在工作的道路上挣扎班级的自由'),利用所有领导人和大多数莫哈赫丁成员的监禁来渗透该组织。这些人随后以残酷的方式谋杀了许多莫哈赫丁成员,并上演了内部政变,暂时摧毁了伊朗人民的莫哈赫丁组织。(外壳9)

After the anti-monarchic revolution which toppled the Shah, the Mojahedin, recently released from prison, were able to rebuild the organization. By exposing Khomeini's backward nature, the Mojahedin managed to attract widespread support among various sectors of Iranian society. Many of these supporters were later to become members of the organization, and currently are included on its 837-member Central Council.

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Mr. Hamilton, I am hopeful that the above text has clarified and responded to the allegations leveled in the enclosed fact sheet. I respectfully request that as Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East, you forward a copy of this letter to the State Department in order to clarify these issues. I further request that this response be published in the Congressional Record to better inform members of the House and Senate regarding the Mojahedin and the Iranian people's Resistance. Particularly at this sensitive and decisive state, the unity of democratic freedom-loving, and anti-fundamentalist forces vis-a-vis the trend towards fundamentalism and Khomeini's medieval outlook in the Middle East and other Muslim countries, is essential.


Dr. Masoud Banisadr,
U.S. Representative.



Washington, DC, March 2, 1992.

The Hon. James A. Baker III,

Dear Mr. Secretary, I我知道,我了解的事实说明书是由国务院准备的有关伊朗国家抵抗委员会的伊朗人民组织以及该组织对该事实说明书的回应的。

I would appreciate your detailed response to the comments of the organization as well as the State Department's policy today on meeting with representatives of this organization and the reason for that policy.

I asked the organization for their rebuttal to your fact sheet and they provided in addition to the attached letter backup documents which are available to you if you want or need them.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

With best regards,


Lee H. Hamilton,
Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East.



U.S. Department of State,
Washington, DC, April 2, 1992.

The Hon. Lee H. Hamilton,
Chairman, Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East.

Dear Mr. Chairman:感谢您的3月2日的来信,致信贝克秘书,您要求我们回应伊朗人民摩雅哈海组织(PMOI)Masoud Banisadr博士(PMOI)的索赔,该组织在该组织上包含不准确的情况。。您还要求解释国务院不与PMOI的代表或其政治部门的国家抵抗理事会会面的政策。

We have carefully reviewed the fact sheet and found it to be an accurate description of the PMOI's history and ideology. Founded in 1963, the PMOI's platform blended Islamic ideology with Marxist tenets, including the collectivization of economic interests and opposition to capitalism. As described in Ervand Abrahamian's book The Iranian Mojahedin, the PMOI has `tried to synthesize the religious message of Shiism with the social science of Marxism.' While any shorthand description of a complex ideology requires simplification, the generalization is reasonable.

Our opposition to the group, however, stems not from its political ideologyper sebut from its use of terrorism and its aim of seeking the violent overthrow of the current Iranian regime. Just as we deplore the excesses and harsh reaction of the Iranian regime to political opposition, we do not condone the use of terror and violence in turn by the Mojahedin or any other opposition group. Contrary to Dr. Banisadr's allegations, the PMOI has advocated the use of violence since its inception. In the 1970s, for example, the PMOI received training and support from the Palestine Liberation Organization, and current PMOI leader Masoud Rajavi fought alongside Palestinians in Jordan during `Black September' in 1970.

历史记录清楚地表明,与沙阿政府相关的“帝国主义”和“资本主义”部队的反对包括对美国利益的直接和暴力攻击。1973年,PMOI暗杀了伊朗的美国军事顾问刘易斯·霍金斯中校。1975年,PMOI恐怖分子在德黑兰开枪杀死了两名美国空军官员。同年,针对美国大使馆的PMOI袭击导致当地雇员死亡。1976年,PMOI暗杀了罗克韦尔国际(Rockwell International)在伊朗工作的三名美国雇员。

The PMOI's claim that the organization is not responsible for actions carried out while its leaders were incarcerated is a facile one. It is true that some of the assassinations were carried out by avowedly Marxist members of the organization, who in 1975 split from the `Muslim' wing which included current PMOI leaders. However, there is no indication that the incarcerated PMOI leadership objected to the terrorism carried out in its name. Given the organization's strong anti-U.S. sentiment at the time, it would have been uncharacteristic for its leaders to denounce acts against what the PMOI viewed as an `imperialist' power affiliated with the Shah. Only in the past few years has the PMOI sought to distance itself from these acts of terrorism.


In 1984, the group's leaders fled to Paris, where they established a presence until expelled by French authorities in 1986. Since 1986, the PMOI and its military wing, the National Liberation Army, have been based in Iraq. The PMOI and NLA continue to receive support and financial assistance from Saddam Hussein's government.

我们不争论萨德尔的断言被th博士e Islamic Republic has routinely tortured, executed, and assassinated PMOI members. We have made clear, in our public statements and in our annual human rights report, that such actions violate all norms of international behavior. Indeed, we have cited the assassination of political opponents abroad, including that of Dr. Kazem Rajavi, as an example of Iranian state-sponsored terrorism. This does not, however, justify the PMOI's own use of violence either against Iranian government officials or, as in the past, U.S. interests and citizens.

我希望这回答了你的问题。为了进一步研究PMOI的历史和意识形态,我会推荐您Ervand Abrahamian's伊朗莫哈赫丁(Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1989).


Janet Mullins,
