PARTISAN POLITICS AND THE MYTH OF THE OCTOBER SURPRISE -- [FROM NEWSWEEK NOV. 11, 1991] (Extension of Remarks - November 04, 1991)







这是一个故事,不会死,黑暗的公司的故事nspiracy and political intrigue that, if true, would constitute something like an accusation of treason against George Bush, the late William Casey and other members of Ronald Reagan's 1980 presidential campaign. Briefly put, the `October Surprise' theory holds that Bush or Casey--or possibly Bush and Casey--cut a secret deal with Iran in the summer or fall of 1980 to delay the release of 52 U.S. hostages until after the November elections. Their objective, or so the theory holds, was to deny Jimmy Carter whatever political advantage the hostgages' last-minute release might create--or, in short, to swing the 1980 election toward Reagan and Bush.

在过去的11年中,十月的惊喜理论一直在启动,它已成为所有政治说服的阴谋迷的母亲。今年年初,吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)国家安全委员会工作人员的前成员加里·康(Gary Sick)在《纽约时报》的专栏页上写了一篇文章,并断言他相信这可能发生的,这是最大的推动力。Sick已经写了一本关于伊朗人质危机的备受赞誉的书(“全部倒下”),他即将出版第二本书,阐述他的十月惊喜。这本新书将由兰登书屋本周出版,标题为“十月惊喜”。与此同时,参议院外交关系委员会上周投票通过对十月惊喜理论进行调查,众议院规则委员会定于本周投票,无论是由印第安纳州的众议员李·汉密尔顿(Lee Hamilton)领导的单独调查。因此,无论是正确的,十月的惊喜即将成为环城公路所谓的政治恐怖厅的另一个展览 - 与BCCI丑闻,伊朗 - 互惠案件以及鸡尾酒的储蓄和贷款危机一起升级 -律师,调查员和证人之间的传票,宣誓的证词和无尽争议的政党八卦。

Like all good conspiracy theories, this one forces all who would deny it to prove a negative--to prove that something did not happen. As any logician can testify, proving a negative is ultimately impossible. Equally disturbing, the October Surprise theory has now become complicated and so hideously detailed that no reasonable person can say with absolute certainty that there was no conspiracy and no deal. but Newsweek has found, after a long investigation including interviews with government officials and other knowledgeable sources around the world, that the key claims of the purported eyewitnesses and accusers simply do not hold up. What the evidence does show is the murky history of a conspiracy theory run wild.

Washington in the fall of 1980 was, like the rest of the United States, obsessed with the U.S. Embassy hostages in Iran. It was a national crisis: Public officials, the voters and the news media were grasping at every rumor. Jimmy Carter, then running for a second term, was almost completely preoccupied by obscure events half the world away; so was the Reagan campaign. In April, the Carter administration launched a desperate military gamble to extract the hostages from captivity, and failed, miserably, in the smoking wreckage at Desert One. The campaign proceeded: Carter turned back Edward Kennedy's challenge in the Democratic primaries, and Reagan dispatched George Bush. The hostage crisis, seemingly at an impasse, continued to simmer amid the hullabaloo of an election campaign. The election came and went, with Carter's landslide defeat--and in December, with the hostages still held in Iran, rumors of some sort of backstage contract between the Republican campaign and the Iranian government first appeared in print.

该媒体几乎没有享有盛名:执行情报评论,这是由右翼政治极端主义林登·拉鲁什(Lyndon Larouche)的追随者发表的期刊。1980年12月2日,埃尔(Eir)刊登了一个故事,指称前国务卿亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)是拉鲁什(Larouche)追随者的目标。伊朗的原教旨主义神职人员。这归因于巴黎的“伊朗消息来源”。The article continued: `Top level intelligence sources in Reagan's inner circle confirmed Kissinger's unreported talks with the Iranian mullahs, but stressed that the Kissinger initiative was totally unauthorized by the president-elect.里根内部人士说:“如果您知道任何控制那个人的方式,请告诉我'。(基辛格说,eir报告是“完全不正确的。)

The story said that this meeting was the climax of a prior liaison: `* * * it appears that the pattern of cooperation between the Khomeini people and circles nominally in Reagan's camp began approximately six to eight weeks ago, at the height of President Carter's efforts to secure an arms-for-hostage deal with Teheran. Carter's failure to secure the deal, which a number of observers believe cost him the Nov. 4 election, apparently resulted from an intervention in Teheran by pro-Reagan British intelligence circles and the Kissinger faction.'

The deal * * * fell through when the hard-line mullahs boycotted the Majlis in late October. Ayatollah Beheshti--known as the most pro-Soviet of the mullahs--was the key mover behind this.'

当故事下次得到提升,198年4月7 article in The Miami Herald--it was from former Iranian president Abolhassan Bani Sadr, by now in exile in Paris. Bani Sadr `said he learned after the hostage release that two of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's advisers had been involved in negotiations with the Reagan camp. The negotiations were to delay release of the hostages until after Reagan became president * * * The former president identified the two as Hashemi Rafsanjani [now himself Iran's president] and Mohammed Beheshti.' Bani Sadr said he had asked both men about this. `They laughed,' he said. `They didn't say no'.'

《先驱报》的故事没有太多的玩法。但是,当巴尼·萨德尔(Bani Sadr)接下来讲话时,1987年8月与《纽约时报》的弗洛拉·刘易斯(Flora Lewis)发表讲话时,故事越来越大。在《纽约时报》中,巴尼·萨德尔(Bani Sadr)比迈阿密先驱报更具体。他说,与卡特政府的谈判进展顺利。`但是在十月,一切突然停止了。My aides found out it was because the group in charge of the hostage policy, Rafsanjani, Mohammed Beheshti and Khomeini's son, did not want Carter to win the election.在巴黎,比什蒂代表和里根竞选代表之间举行了一次会议。刘易斯写道:“这些事件和随后的事件是``为他确认,持续的谣言,里根竞选活动直到1980年大选后才释放人质,就提供了武器。* * *'这个故事终于成为主流。

The timing was propitious--high summer, so to speak, for conspiracy buffs. The reason was the Iran-contra scandal, which proved that the Reagan administration had indeed engaged in secret dealings with Iran. Although the exact starting point of those secret negotiations remains obscure to this day, it seems clear that the roots of Iran-contra run deeper than anyone has been able to document publicly. The Reagan White House, it seems clear, was obsessed by Iran during the early 1980s. Iran-contra also showed that the administration was eager to engage in covert action, and that it was ready to lie, destroy documents and cover up a range of covert activities that violated the law.

简而言之,为十月的惊喜理论创造了肥沃的基础。1987年11月的报道,由众议院和参议院成立的联合调查委员会将十月的惊喜谣言降低到脚注。``有人指控1980年里根运动的官员 - 为了防止卡特总统(“十月惊喜”)与伊朗的使者会面,并同意将武器送往伊朗,以换取伊朗以换取报告说,选举后释放人质。实际上,里根竞选助手与其他竞选人员一样,声称自己是伊朗使人的人质释放的个人,他们与那些声称是伊朗使徒的人接触。该委员会被告知,这些方法被拒绝,没有发现可靠的证据表明进行了任何讨论,或者在延迟释放人质或安排早期武器统计的交易方面达成了任何讨论或安排。

It is likely that the October Surprise would have died somewhere in late 1987, except for the appearance of a group of apparently knowledgeable, conspiracy-minded `super-sources.' Journalists are vulnerable to the lure of a super-source--another Deep Throat, someone who knows all and pieces everything together in a nice, neat package. In the October Surprise case, there are four would-be Deep Throats: Barbara Honegger, Richard Brenneke, Jamshid Hashemi and Ari Ben-Menashe. At some point each has claimed first-person knowledge of the conspiracy. The stories they told overlapped in broad outline--and in some cases, they compared stories, swapped details and helped each other become more convincing. Journalists committed to the notion of the October Surprise often acted as a conduit between them.

芭芭拉·霍格格(Barbara Honegger):霍格格(Honegger)是里根(Reagan)1980年竞选活动的研究员,在1983年在白宫和司法部工作。直到1983年。1987年夏天,霍格格(Honegger)声称,1980年10月下旬,在里根(Reagan)的竞选总部位于华盛顿的阿灵顿郊区,她是她的。听到一位欢欣鼓舞的工作人员说:“我们不必担心十月的惊喜。迪克达成协议。大概是迪克(Dick)是里根(Reagan)竞选活动的顶级外交顾问理查德·艾伦(Richard Allen),后来是里根(Reagan)的第一任国家安全顾问。这是内部的第一个确认,这是阴谋理论家和跟随他们的记者的公牛眼。

但是有几个问题。最基本的是,Honegger永远无法确定这位所谓的工作人员,或者说她是否有理由相信员工知道他在说什么。第二个是1989年出版了《十月惊喜》一书的霍格格(Honegger)本人似乎很难将事实与小说分开。甚至克里斯托弗·希钦斯(Christopher Hitchins)是《国家》杂志的专栏作家,也是十月惊喜理论的一些支持者,她说她的暴露是“散布和天真的”。

理查德·布伦尼克(Richard Brenneke)​​:来自俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名商人,布伦尼克(Brenneke)​​声称在中央情报局(CIA)工作了18年,担任合同经营者。他于1988年8月在华盛顿遇到了霍格格(Honegger),在那里她向他介绍了十月惊喜的理论。布伦尼克(Brenneke)​​令人惊讶地声称,在交易完成后,他已经在场。他说,这次会议于1980年10月19日在巴黎举行了拉斐尔酒店。- 布什广告系列。当时吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)国家安全委员会工作人员的成员唐纳德·格雷格(Donald Gregg),后来是布什副总统的国家安全顾问,也曾在那里。伊朗人是两个武器经销商,Manucher Ghorbanifar和Cyrus Hasehmi。

Then, two weeks later, Bani Sadr expanded his previous story. In Playboy magazine, Bani Sadr made the most surprising charge so far--George Bush was also present in Paris. (In a scathing story on the October Surprise, The New Republic reported last week that Bani Sadr has now retracted his claim that Bush was present.) Brenneke said he, too, could confirm that Bush was in Paris--and he said so, under oath, in Denver on Sept. 23, 1988.

Brenneke was testifying on behalf of Heinrich Rupp, 58, a pilot and gold dealer who had been convicted of bank fraud. Rupp was an old friend, Brenneke said, the two had been involved in covert ops for the CIA. Brenneke gave sensational testimony. He said he had worked for the CIA for 18 years, until 1985. He said that on Oct. 19, 1980, Rupp had flown `Mr. Bush, Mr. Casey and a number of other people to Paris, France, from the United States for a meeting with Iranian representatives.' Brenneke said he had been directly involved in one of what he said were three meetings with the Iranians. He listed the Americans as Bush, Casey, Donald Gregg and Richard Allen. He said the Iranians included Hashemi Rafsanjani, who was then speaker of the Iranian Parliament and now president of Iran, and Cyrus Hashemi.

Brenneke's testimony made news--and among those who read it, with mounting fury, was the investigator from Sen. John Kerry's subcommittee, Jack Blum. Blum has spent thousands of hours checking what Brenneke had told him and had begun to believe that Brenneke was a fraud. The final proof, for Blum, came when be read Brenneke's assurance to the judge in Denver. `I will say, your honor, I have made these statements to Senator Kerry's committee and the United States Senate--again, under oath. * * *' Blum knew that was not true: Brenneke had never mentioned any involvement in the October Surprise. Blum pressed the U.S. attorney's office in Denver to file perjury charges, and Brenneke was indicted in May 1989.

该审判于1990年4月使布伦尼克(Brenneke)​​对美国政府(美国政府)和政府输掉。现任美国驻韩国大使唐纳德·格雷格(Donald Gregg)作证说,他在1980年10月19日或20日没有在巴黎。凯西的两名前秘书说,他当时还没有出国。两名特勤局特工说,据称会议发生时,他们正在竞选活动中守护布什。中央情报局唱片专家说,布伦纳克曾经为该机构工作过任何痕迹。但是政府的案子是草率的,布伦尼克的律师在陪审团的怀疑中扮演了如此巧妙的态度,以至于布伦尼克被无罪释放。在此过程中,他说他从不作证说他实际上在巴黎见过布什,只是告诉他布什在那里。

阿里·本·曼纳什(Ari Ben-Menashe):本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)于1990年首次成为10月的惊喜消息来源,当时他因试图将美国制造的军用运输飞机出售给伊朗而被拘留在纽约市的联邦监狱中。在十月份进行了审判,他在维持自己获得了布什政府和以色列政府的秘密批准后被无罪释放。尽管以色列官员否认了这一点,但本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)声称,他是以色列情报局,兼总理叶扎克·沙米尔(Yitzhak Shamir)的顾问。

像理查德·布伦尼克(Richard Brenneke)​​一样,本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)接受了多次接受《十月惊喜》(Newsweek,11月4日)的记者的采访。本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)说,他也是1980年10月19日至20日在巴黎担任六人以色列团队的成员,该团队帮助开会了会议。他说,他在那里看到了布什和凯西,他们在罗伯特·盖茨(Robert Gates)的陪同下,他现在是乔治·布什(George Bush)的中央情报局董事的提名人。他说,伊朗代表团是由Ayatollah Mehdi Karrubi领导的,而不是Cyrus Hashemi和Manucher Ghorbanifar。他告诉《新闻周刊》,这次会议是在丽思酒店举行的,而不是理查德·布伦内克(Richard Brenneke)​​声称的,而不是拉斐尔或克里隆。他还告诉另一位调查员以色列作家Shmuel Segev,该会议在乔治V. ABC新闻酒店举行,于1990年11月给Ben-Menashe进行了Lie-Menashe测试。根据ABC制作人克里斯托弗·伊舍(Christopher Isham)的说法,本·莫纳什(Ben-Menashe)未能通过。

Jamshid Hashemi:Jamshid Hashemi是Cyrus Hashemi的弟弟,Cyrus Hashemi是伊朗武器经销商,他于1986年在伦敦去世。Jamshid一直是ABC新闻和“ Frontline”的来源,PBS纪录片计划。他声称,他,他的兄弟赛勒斯(Cyrus)和卡鲁比(Karrubi)于1980年7月在马德里的一家酒店与威廉·凯西(William Casey)会面,开始与里根 - 布什(Reagan-Bush)竞选活动达成一项秘密协议。至少有一些证据证明这一主张。一方面,知识渊博的官员同意,赛勒斯·哈希米(Cyrus Hashemi)在人质危机期间发挥了较小的作用 - 提供帮助建立卡特白宫与伊朗领导人之间的沟通。正如ABC-News所报道的那样,马德里广场酒店的登记册实际上表明了A。1980年7月下旬,Hashemi'和`Jamshid Halaj'被注册为客人。

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There are, of course, myriad further details to these shifting and mutually contradictory allegations. But the essentials are clear. There were two sets of meetings, the first between Karrubi, the Hashemi brothers and William Casey in Madrid, and the other in Paris in October. The second meeting involved either Casey and Gregg--or Casey, Bush and Gates--on the American side. On the Iranian side, depending on which `witness' is believed, it involved either Cyrus Hashemi and Manucher Ghorbanifar or the Ayatollah Karrubi. Bush, Gates and Gregg have all denied that they were in Paris on those dates, and that they ever tried to arrange a deal with any Iranian leaders. Casey is of course dead. So is Cyrus Hashemi. Ayatollah Karrubi has denied ever visiting Madrid.

A team of Newsweek correspondents has spent much of the past eight weeks exploring the evidence for these allegations. The Newsweek team believes that:

Casey did not go to Madrid: Jamshid Hashemi told his story at length to PBS's `Frontline' series in April and to ABC's `Nightline' in June. He would not appear on camera for either program, and he did not reply to Newsweek's requests for an interview. He alleges that in March or April 1980, Casey made contact with Cyrus and himself while the pair were on a visit to Washington. Casey, he says, wanted to establish contact with an Iranian who was close to Ayatollah Khomeini. The brothers agreed to act as go-betweens. The meeting took time to set up, but in July, Cyrus asked Jamshid to bring the Ayatollah Karrubi from Teheran to Madrid to meet with Casey. According to Jamshid, Mehdi Karrubi arrived with his brother Hassan.

They talked with Casey over two consecutive days, Jamshid says--two morning sessions of some three hours apiece. Then in August, Jamshid says, there was a second meeting between Casey and Karrubi, also in Madrid. After an exhaustive search of press reports, of Casey's diaries and of the diaries of his colleagues, ABC's `Nightline' reported that there was a three-day window--July 27, 28 and 29--during which Casey's whereabouts were unknown. On the 30th, ABC reported, Casey was being interviewed by an ABC correspondent at Reagan campaign headquarters and dined that night with Bush in Washington.

But Casey's whereabouts during the July `window' are convincingly established by contemporary records at the Imperial War Museum in London. Casey, it turns out, took a three-day breather from the campaign to participate in the Anglo-American Conference on the History of the Second World War. As a veteran of the Office of Strategic Services--the forerunner of the CIA--Casey delivered a paper on OSS operations in Europe during the war. He went to a reception for conference participants on the evening of July 28, and he was photographed there. He delivered his paper on the morning of July 29.

ABC新闻更新lat承认这些事实er in June--but still maintained that Casey had enough time on July 27 and 28 to fly to Madrid to meet with the Iranians. A close examination of the conference records by Newsweek, however, demonstrates that Casey in fact was present at the conference sessions in London on July 28. Historian Jonathan Chadwick, who organized the conference, kept a precise, day-by-day and session-by-session record of who was present and who was not. According to Chadwick's records, Casey was present at 9:30 a.m. on the 28th, stayed for the second morning session, leaving after lunch and returning at 4 p.m. He was also present, of course, on the 29th, when he delivered his paper. `I was very excited that such a big man was coming, but it turned out to be a disappointment,' Chadwick said. `He just talked it through in a very gravelly voice. He came over as a very tough sort.'

有记录显示凯西睡觉和吃在哪里 - 靠近帝国战争博物馆的皇家陆军医学院。那里的官员说,他们的名义有一个账单。凯西(Casey)在7月27日和28日的夜晚向他收取房间,并在28和29日为“混乱”(吃饭)。简而言之,在马德里连续两天,凯西不可能与任何人举行会议。

最后,关于Jamshid的故事有很多问题。例如,他告诉美国广播公司(ABC)的泰德·科佩尔(Ted Koppel),他和赛勒斯(Cyrus)在马德里会议的直接结果中获得了巨额利润。但是几乎没有证据表明该哈希斯人有很多钱可以备用。埃利奥特·理查森(Elliott Richardson)在1984年的武器走私案中是赛勒斯·哈希米(Cyrus Hashemi)的律师,他说赛勒斯(Cyrus)似乎正在用“非常琐碎”的武器处理。


本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)反复改变了他的故事:正如他告诉《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)或乔治五世酒店(Hotel George V),正如他告诉Shmuel Segev的那样?他也对日期感到困惑。在接受《新闻周刊》采访时,本·曼纳什(Ben-Menashe)说,他确定是10月19日或10月20日,因为它接近了苏科特犹太人节。Sukkot是一场可移动的盛宴,于1980年9月25日举行。

同时,有理由相信,布伦尼克(Brenneke)​​于1980年10月19日至20日在巴黎附近。证据包括布伦内克(Brenneke)​​自己的信用卡收据和书桌日记,这段时间内。根据前中央情报局特工弗兰克·斯内普(Frank Snepp)在纽约乡村语音报纸上的最新故事,现在是自由记者和调查员,布伦尼克的信用卡收据显示,他从10月17日起住在华盛顿州西雅图的一家汽车旅馆。Snepp还报道说,到10月19日。他的桌子日历表明他于10月20日在波特兰。Snepp说,这些记录是由佩吉·阿德勒·罗伯姆(Peggy Adler Robohm)向他展示的。故事。罗伯姆(Robohm)在自传的短暂合作中获得了布伦尼克(Brenneke)​​本人的唱片。罗伯姆(Robohm)害怕被文学欺诈陷入文学欺诈之处,于去年夏天结束了他们的合作。

(Brenneke没有回到Newsweek的重复电话。但是他的一位律师Mike Scott说Snepp的故事是错误的。)

最终,有充分的证据表明,乔治·布什(George Bush)于1980年10月19日至20日没有去巴黎 - 美国特勤局记录记录了当时候选人布什的位置。这些原木表明,布什于10月17日在新泽西州和宾夕法尼亚州竞选,他在10月19日的白天去了华盛顿以外的雪佛兰追逐乡村俱乐部。他们还表明他在犹太复国主义者面前发表了竞选演讲那天晚上在华盛顿酒店的美国组织。原木表明,他在19日晚上9:30左右回到家里。第二天,10月20日,特勤局记录和新闻报道都记录了布什回到康涅狄格州纽黑文的竞选步道。鉴于涉及的旅行时间,他没有合ReportsReports理的可能性,他可以飞往巴黎,在那个时期见了伊朗人,并返回美国。

These details may or may not convince conspiracy theorists who cling to the October Surprize--just as the Warren Commission report failed to convince a whole generation of would-be investigators that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, killed John F. Kennedy.
But the evidence on Bush and Casey's whereabouts--and on the bona fides of their accusers--must also be considered against the broad history of U.S.-Iran relations in the 1980s. Indeed, the October Surprise theory rests on two broad-brush assumptions that are highly suspect.

One is the notion that Iran must have gotten U.S. weapons from the Reagan administration in return for delaying the hostages' release. Despite the record of the Iran-contra scandal, however, there is oddly little evidence of any substantial weapons `payoff' to Iran. An authoritative analysis by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute shows that Iran spent approximately $5 billion on arms between 1980 and 1983--and $3 billion of that total went for military equipment from communist-bloc countries. It is true, apparently, that Israel supplied Iran with $50 million worth of spare parts for U.S.-built F-4 Phantom jets in the spring of 1980. But $50 million is chicken feed for swinging a U.S. presidential election. And Iran never got spare parts for its more potent F-14s, which rarely flew during the Iran-Iraq War but which could well have deterred Iraqi air attacks on Teheran and other cities. Only the United States could have provided the parts. Arms dealer Ian Smalley, who made a fortune selling weapons to Iran, says he does not believe that the Reagan administration cut a deal. `If the U.S. had been in the market, we would have been out of business,' Smalley said.

第二个关键概念是,关于卡特政府与伊朗政府之间人质问题的秘密谈判是在1980年10月在无法解释的。伊朗 - 伊拉克战争的爆发于9月22日开始。Rafsanjani只有“熟练的管理”才能使伊朗议会解决其在人质问题上的分歧。如果正如一些十月的惊喜支持者所声称的那样,拉夫桑贾尼(Rafsanjani)参加了与里根竞选活动的秘密协议,为什么他在卡特仍在执政时试图解决人质僵局?然后,许多伊朗人也讨厌吉米·卡特。埃里克·鲁罗(Eric Rouleau)现在是法国驻土耳其大使,当时是德黑兰的记者。鲁洛(Rouleau)亲自认识许多伊朗领导人,他说,他没有听到关于与里根竞选的任何待处理协议的八卦。But the Iranians were well aware that releasing the hostages could help Carter win the election--and Rouleau says there was `a lot of discussion, lots of declarations, to the effect that the Iranians would never give any kind of `gift' to President卡特。

最终,人质危机的秘密记录中有一个诱人的巧合。1980年7月1日或7月2日,赛勒斯·哈希米(Cyrus Hashemi)在马德里丽思酒店会见了伊朗领导人的成员。显然,他是卡特政府的介于之间的介于之间,那时该政府迫切希望寻求一些新的途径重新开始人质谈判。(新闻周刊的消息来源说,这次会议导致了国务卿埃德蒙·穆斯基(Edmund Muskie)于9月作出了最后一项外交倡议。)在一周之内,据巴尼·萨德(Bani)的日记,阿亚图拉·霍梅尼(Ayatollah Khomeini)的侄子告诉伊朗,巴尼·萨德尔(Bani Sadr)已接近由里根的男人对人质提出了主张。会议地点 - 西班牙 - 提到。难道是阿亚图拉(Ayatollah)的侄子与卡特(Carter)混淆了里根(Reagan),而十月的整个概念源于那个简单的错误?

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