美国科学家联合会 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com 科学促进更安全、更知情世界 Wed,2019年2月27 13:34:46+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.1 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/cropped-FAS-Logo-32x32.png 美国科学家联合会 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com 32码 32码 FAS汇总-2018年1月22日 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/2018/01/fas-roundup-january-22-2018/ FAS系统 元2018年1月22日 非分类化 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/?p=36059

In advance of President Trump's Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), FAS presents the 2018 NPR Resource with a searchable version of the leaked draft NPR, FAS and other expert analysis, and historical context of past NPRs (Obama, Clinton, Bush).

GOVERNMENT SECRECY PROJECT (Dir.乐动冠军Steven Aftergood)Program Activity

There are brand-new entries in Secrecy News, including a look at how abudget law might "neuter" intelligence oversight:

To subscribe to Aftergood's Secrecy News mailing list, click here.

In the Press

"The Federation of American Scientists estimates India has 120 to 130 nuclear weapons in its inventory, placing it among the nine countries worldwide known to possess such weapons." 

Hans Kristensen: "The justification was the threat of a Soviet surprise attack" … The idea was to protect the Air Force's capacity to respond to a nuclear attack by keeping a certain number of nuclear-armed bombers in the air at all times. 

Steven Aftergood: "I think the real concern is the precedent that is being set … The message [the shutdown-ending provision] sends is that intelligence oversight is optional, not essential, and that we can do without it.But we can't." 

俄罗斯在INF射程启动ICBM 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/2017/10/ss-25launch/ 汉斯MKristensen语言 太阳2017年10月1日23:16:07+00 军备控制 核武器 俄罗斯 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/?p=33757 汉斯MKristensen俄罗斯国防部宣布SS-25ICBM测试从Kapustin Yar向哈萨克斯坦Sary-Shagan射程发射,并包括一段视频显示导弹发射并清晰星际夜间表示同意KapustinYar是一个大复合体,用于多项不同目的,包括[.] 乐动登陆img加载值+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Kristensen


RMOD视频大有帮助,因为它允许特定设施与SS-25发射车库地理定位乐动登陆Although the launch took place at night, the glare from the missile engine illuminated the entire facility so I could geo-locate on Google Earth (see below).


A Russian Ministry of Defense Video makes it possible to geo-locate launch location of recent SS-25 flight test.点击图像查看全尺寸. s大多流自普列谢茨克洲际射程(5 500多公里或3 600里),有效载荷撞击堪察卡半岛库拉测距乐动登陆But some ICBMs are flown to only about one-third of that range, roughly 2,000 km (1,270 miles) from the Kapustin Yar site in southern Russian with payload impact outside Russian at the Sary-Shagan range deep inside Kazakhstan (see map).

Click on map to view full size.

Unlike the Kura range, the Sary-Shagan is thought to have more advanced tracking facilities that are used to monitor the behavior of advanced payloads.乐动体育 新闻app俄国军方在SS-25上飞什么未知数,但可能是可调回飞行器或某些高级诱因以愚弄导弹防御系统。

2013年俄国测试启动SS-27ICBM改称RS-26至此范围时,一些观察家sbservice二分二分二分通过代代升级- Arthur Rosenfel 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/2017/01/arthur-rosenfeld-pioneering-energy-innovator-and-former-fas-chairman-dies-at-90/ FAS系统 元,2017年1月30日15:05:08+00 非分类化 美术Rosenfel arthur玫瑰feld enricofermi 记忆中 签名词 玫瑰园 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/?p=32732 亚瑟HRosenfeld2008至2009年曾任FAS董事会主席,是位先驱科学家,其长期生涯产生物理领域数项科学发现,促进节能和效率领域的创新。情感称谓艺术博士罗森费尔德死1月27日他曾.... span类=gmail_msgRosenfeld2008至2009年曾任FAS董事会主席,是位先锋科学家,其长期生涯产生数项科学发现 /spanspan类sg=gmail_msg情感称谓艺术博士罗森费尔德死1月27日算法90 Rosenfeld获得博士学位1954年芝加哥大学物理学博士诺贝尔奖得主Enrico Fermi研究Rosenfeld1938年获诺贝尔物理奖,证明新放射性元素的存在Rosenfeld博士费米博士前结业生费米1954年11月去世Rosenfeld转移研究焦点节能并高效使用LawrenceBerkery国家实验室建设科学中心(LBNL),该中心负责与能源有关的创新活动,如“https://eetd.lbl.gov/about-us/arthur-h-rosenfeld'Rosenfield开发DE-1和DE-2计算机程序,负责分析一楼的能量,1978年根据加利福尼亚州建筑能标准实施。Rosenfeld 美国高级顾问能源局主管能源效率和可再生能源助理秘书,2000年被任命为加利福尼亚能源委员会专员。Rosenfeld获George W总统Enrico Fermi奖布希毕生成就从实验核粒子物理科学发现到科技创新和继续造福人类的节能公共政策Rosenfield从奥巴马总统那里收到国家技术和创新奖章,表彰他在能源效率领域毕生的努力和创新,特别是他在建设开发方面的工作Rosenfeld的生活和成绩,访问LBNL 在线传记 FAS汇总-2017年1月16日 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/2017/01/fas-roundup-january-16-2017/ FAS系统 2017年1月16日 17:13:03+00 FAS汇总 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/?p=35988 欧巴马对Chelse Manning句子换字由Ellen Nakashima和Sari Horwitz编译 CIA秘密历史立即上网由Jason Leopold编译


FAS Director of the Nuclear Information Project, Hans Kristensen, comments on the gravity and legacy of presidential nuclear briefings amid president-elect Trump's nuclear briefing before his inauguration as 45th president of the United States on January 20. READ MORE

Obama commutes sentence of Chelsea Manning

by Ellen Nakashima and Sari Horwitz

The CIA's Secret History Is Now Online

by Jason Leopold


转盲目世界末日-美国领导人拒绝核冬研究 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/2017/01/turning-a-blind-eye-towards-armageddon-u-s-leaders-reject-nuclear-winter-studies/ 史蒂文星 2017年1月9日 16:22:19+00 非分类化 2016年 2017 交际王牌 问题3 核冬 皮尔市 公众兴趣报告 俄罗斯 高手 美国 我们 卷69 冬天 乐动登陆//www.tuuruguay.com/?p=32679 十年前 数位世界顶尖气候学家和物理家 选择重新调查核战争的长期环境影响同行评审研究被视为最有权威的科研类型,在学术杂志最终发布前受到国际科学界的批评。号 p类=p4+span类=s2同行评审研究被视为最有权威的科研类型,在学术杂志最终发布前受到国际科学界的批评。No serious errors were found in these studies and their findings remain unchallenged.

Alan Robock et al., "Nuclear winter revisited with a modern climate model and current nuclear arsenals: Still catastrophic consequences," Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (2007).

Owen Brian Toon et al., "Atmospheric effects and societal consequences of regional scale nuclear conflicts and acts of individual nuclear terrorism," Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (2007).

Michael Mills et al., "Massive global ozone loss predicted following regional nuclear conflict," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105, no.14 (2008).

Michael Mills et al., "Multidecadal global cooling and unprecedented ozone loss following a regional nuclear conflict," Earth's Future 2.

Alan Robock et al., "Climatic consequences of regional nuclear conflicts," Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (2007).

Working at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado-Boulder, the Department of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers, and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at UCLA, these scientists used state-of-the-art computer modeling to evaluate the consequences of a range of possible nuclear conflicts.开始于东南亚假设大战, 共100枚广岛规模原子弹在印度和巴基斯坦市引爆广岛原子弹爆炸前后的下列图像,原子弹爆炸力为15 000吨TNT乐动登陆



The detonation of an atomic bomb with this explosive power will instantly ignite fires over a surface area of three to five square miles.In the recent studies, the scientists calculated that the blast, fire, and radiation from a war fought with 100 atomic bombs could produce direct fatalities comparable to all of those worldwide in World War II, or to those once estimated for a "counterforce" nuclear war between the superpowers. However, the long-term environmental effects of the war could significantly disrupt the global weather for at least a decade, which would likely result in a vast global famine.

The scientists predicted that nuclear firestorms in the burning cities would cause at least five million tons of black carbon smoke to quickly rise above cloud level into the stratosphere, where it could not be rained out. The smoke would circle the Earth in less than two weeks and would form a global stratospheric smoke layer that would remain for more than a decade. The smoke would absorb warming sunlight, which would heat the smoke to temperatures near the boiling point of water, producing ozone losses of 20 to 50 percent over populated areas. This would almost double the amount of UV-B reaching the most populated regions of the mid-latitudes, and it would create UV-B indices unprecedented in human history.In North America and Central Europe, the time required to get a painful sunburn at mid-day in June could decrease to as little as six minutes for fair-skinned individuals.

As the smoke layer blocked warming sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface, it would produce the coldest average surface temperatures in the last 1,000 years. The scientists calculated that global food production would decrease by 20 to 40 percent during a five-year period following such a war. Medical experts have predicted that the shortening of growing seasons and corresponding decreases in agricultural production could cause up to two billion people to perish from famine.

The climatologists also investigated the effects of a nuclear war fought with the vastly more powerful modern thermonuclear weapons possessed by the United States, Russia, China, France, and England.乐动登陆Some of the thermonuclear weapons constructed during the 1950s and 1960s were 1,000 times more powerful than an atomic bomb.


During the last 30 years, the average size of thermonuclear or "strategic" nuclear weapons has decreased.今日,美国和俄国部署的大约3 540件战略武器中,每件都比印度-巴基斯坦研究模型原子弹强7至80倍最小战略核武器爆炸力为100,000吨TNT,而原子弹平均爆炸力为15,000吨TNTspan/ps类表示'p4'span类表示's2'>战略核武器产生比原子弹大得多的核风暴标准俄国800-kiroton弹头平均日数So much sunlight would be blocked by the smoke that the noonday sun would resemble a full moon at midnight.

Under such conditions, it would only require a matter of days or weeks for daily minimum temperatures to fall below freezing in the largest agricultural areas of the Northern Hemisphere, where freezing temperatures would occur every day for a period of between one to more than two years. Average surface temperatures would become colder than those experienced 18,000 years ago at the height of the last Ice Age, and the prolonged cold would cause average rainfall to decrease by up to 90%.生长季节将完全消除十多年span/p类太冷暗无法播种粮食作物,使人类大都感冒。 >#b>NUCLELWINTER inBRIEF

The idea of nuclear winter, published and supported by prominent scientists, generated extensive public alarm and put political pressure on the United States and Soviet Union to reverse a runaway nuclear arms race, which, by 1986, had created a global nuclear arsenal of more than 65,000 nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, this created a backlash among many powerful military and industrial interests, who undertook an extensive media campaign to brand nuclear winter as "bad science" and the scientists who discovered it as "irresponsible."

Critics used various uncertainties in the studies and the first climate models (which are primitive by today's standards) as a basis to criticize and reject the concept of nuclear winter.1986年,对外关系理事会发表了一篇国家大气研究中心科学家的文章,预测全球冷却下降约比1983年研究预言的一半大并称它为“核秋季 ” 。 核秋季研究后来显示有深度缺陷,但证据来得太晚了,无法停止大规模涂片运动,使初始研究完全失真。 #span类s2'1987年,国家评审称核冬为“诈骗 ” 。 2000年,发现杂志发布一篇文章描述核冬为“历史中20大科学模糊物 ” 之一。无休止涂片运动成功公众甚至大多数反核活动家认为核冬科学证明无效. #b>reJEC选择LEADERS ss2'2006年,他们返回实验室完成我先前描述的研究新研究不仅支持前次发现,还发现前期研究实际低估核战争的环境影响。 Rutgers和Dr.卡通科罗拉多大学用多年努力吸引官方关注其工作并获取联邦政府有关机构后续研究在最近的访问中Dr.toon表示: >#span类='s2'乐动冠军开放文献中没有单页分析问题.我们已经列出我们认为重要问题所在的清单,我们已经前往每个[联 机构,我们可以用这些清单思考,并说,“你不认为应该有人研究这个吗?” 基本说来,我们迄今尝试的每个人都说,“嗯那不是我的工作。” Robock还指出:

他们会资助你在纽约研究一枚恐怖炸弹向他们解释印度和巴基斯坦之间的战争 对美国威胁大得多比原创恐怖炸弹更可怕, 和恐怖炸弹一样可怕, 他们响应后更新系列研究发布后2007年和2008年DrsRobock和Toon也多次请求会见奥巴马政府成员科学家主动向内阁成员 和白宫员工介绍他们的发现他们的出价遭到漠不关心span类=s2++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Robock和Toon被允许收看Barack Obama总统科技高级顾问John Holdren博士Rose Gottemoeller最终相遇,博士Robock写信给我说 这些会议后 他和Dr.令卡通留下的印象是,Holdren或Gottemoeller都不认为核冬研究“正确”。 ,但不仅仅是Holdren和Gottemoler拒绝核冬研究greg hrefs研究组 的Greg hrefss表示'#blank'/NMHB/Capters/Appendix_A.htm>核武委 -表示s/cryptome.org/2013/04/aclication-matters.pdfssss2核武委包括: /span/span=s2'战略命令 (USSTRATCOM)-并开发指导使用核武器的政策span/ps类表示'p4'spans类表示's2'>PerhapsGeneral John Hyten,主管USSTRATCOM核三合院和参谋长联席会议副主席Paul Selva将军是美国第二高官,从未见过或听说过21世纪核冬研究可能当他们听到关于核冬问题时,或,也许,他们只是选择不接受核冬新科学研究,尽管它消除了全球科学界的批评。 物理今日 写道:
#b>EREWEDCOLDWARD 政治领袖似乎支持奥巴马政府直接对抗普京俄国的政策Mainstream corporate media, including the editorial boards of The New York Times and The Washington Post, routinely engage in anti-Russian and anti-Putin rhetoric that surpasses the hate speech of the McCarthy era. Under President Obama, the United States has renewed the Cold War with Russia, with little or no debate or protest, and has subsequently engaged in proxy wars with Russia in Ukraine and Syria, as well as threatening military action against China in the South China Sea.

In response to what NATO leaders describe as Russia's "dangerous and aggressive actions," NATO has built up a "rapid-response force" of 40,000 troops on the Russian border in the Baltic States and Poland. This force includes hundreds of tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy artillery.北约驻爱沙尼亚部队在St彼得堡第二大城. sp类=s2's2'ahrfsss/news.usni.org/2016/05/12/aegis-ashore-site-span_VLS_factshe.pdf目标='#blank'span/ps类表示'p4'#span类表示's2'ReportsOn October 5, 2016, Russia conducted a nation-wide civil defense drill that included 40 million of its people being directed to fallout sheltersReuters reported two days later that Russia had moved its Iskander nuclear-capable missiles to Kaliningrad, which borders Poland.

While the United States ignores the danger of nuclear war, Russian scholar Stephen Cohen reports that the danger of war with the United States is the leading news story in Russia. Cohen states:

Just as there is no discussion of the most existential question of our time, in the American political class — the possibility of war with Russia — it is the only thing being discussed in the Russian political class ...它们是两个不同的政治大全In Russia, all the discussion in the newspapers, and there is plenty of free discussion on talk show TV, which echoes what the Kremlin is thinking, online, in the elite newspapers, and in the popular broadcasts, the number 1, 2, 3, and 4 topics of the day are the possibility of war with the United States.

Cohen goes on to say:

I conclude from this that the leadership of Russia actually believes now, in reaction to what the United States and NATO have said and done over the last two years, and particularly in reaction to the breakdown of the proposed cooperation in Syria, and the rhetoric coming out of Washington, that war is a real possibility.自古巴导弹危机以来,我记不起来莫斯科领导层集体脑海中得出这一结论。

>/span类=s2'并保留与俄国直接军事冲突的可能性, 以及南海与中国日益军事化冲突的可能性。 我们必须恢复理解核战争无法打赢和不可打可实现这一点的条件是,我们的政治和军事领导人听取科学界警告核战争的长期全球环境后果。 starrs/www.wagingpeace.org/krieger-symposium-overview/