1979年的伯特 - 基德通讯

由霍华德·莫兰德(Howard Morland)介绍

汉斯·贝特(Hans Bethe)是20世纪物理学的名人之一,是与1979年第一修正案相关的最著名人物,美国与进步等等. At issue was the civil lawsuit initiated by the Department of Energy which, for six months, blocked the publication of an article I wrote titled, "The H-Bomb Secret, to Know How is to Ask Why." In issuing his restraining order in March, the judge cited Dr. Bethe's affidavit in favor of censorship, and noted his prominence in the scientific world.

加利福尼亚州利弗莫尔实验室的核武器设计师雷·基德(Ray Kidder)博士很快成为辩方的明星证人(即,有利于未经审查的出版物),他认为贝西博士已经被说服签署了他的誓章而没有被签署所有相关信息。基德建议他们通过私人信件来辩论这个问题。基德(Kidder)认为,在他们的书信中的第十个也是最后一封信中,贝特(Bethe)的一个神秘的手写笔记承认了他的观点。

The existence of this correspondence was unknown to the outside world until Kidder revealed it to me in the spring of 1999. (Some of the letters had been shared with defense lawyers in进步case, but they were never submitted to the court and therefore do not appear in the case record.) At my request, Kidder had the classified items declassified, a task which was completed on May 1, 2001. It was then discovered that the unclassified letters, stored separately, had been mis-filed and apparently lost, until they were eventually located in September of 2002. For the benefit of scholars interested in the case, the complete set of letters, numbered one through ten, is posted here for the first time.


Letter #1, with Exhibit #4

April 3, 1979

Professor Hans A. Bethe
C/o Duane C. Sewell先生
Assistant Secretary for Defense Programs

Dear Professor Bethe:


Four of these documents derive from the 1976 disclosures of Soviet physicist L.I. Rudakov. The disclosure itself is described in the September 1976 issue of the magazine LASER FOCUS [ref #1] under the heading "Soviet fusion pellet is said to convert e-beam energy to thermal x radiation." It goes on to say:

This news article discloses the method of the radiation implosion and suggests that this approach may have been known to U.S. scientists but was not discussed in public, i.e., it was classified. The enclosed copy of an article in the 1977 Annual Progress Report of the Institute of Laser Engineering of Osaka, Japan, entitled "Deflagration Waves Supported by Thermal Radiation" [ref #2] references Rudakov's paper, and shows that the Japanese fully and quantitatively understood the principle of the radiation implosion he had disclosed.

The October 8, 1976, article in the magazine SCIENCE entitled "Thermonuclear Fusion: U.S. Puts Wraps on Latest Soviet Work" [ref #3] states in part:

The SCIENCE article establishes that the Rudakov disclosure was classified in the U.S., that it was widely discussed by an international group of scientists (at a Gordon Research Conference), and states explicitly that this esoteric science is related to the H-bomb. (This point could be very effectively impressed upon the court if the article's author William D. Metz, and Dr. Alfred Wong of UCLA, were called as defense witnesses.)

1976年鲁达科夫披露的第四个文件(可能)是1977年11月2日的信,是从亚瑟·托马斯(Arthur D.格里芬)。[参考#4]这封信揭示了一个事实,即德国的科学家熟悉辐射内爆原则,日本以及加拿大和意大利的科学家也是如此。这也表明,分类人本身开始严重怀疑继续对辐射内爆概念进行分类的智慧,该概念正在国际科学界公开讨论。


It is also well known that fission bombs are imploded by high explosive (HE), and therefore that the radiation implosion must be used to implode something other than the fission primary, i.e., the fusion secondary. (See Teller's Encyclopedia Americana Article.) [ref #5]

例如,也众所周知,印度的原子能建立与惯性限制融合的发展保持同步。(请参阅Bhabha Atomic Research Center的重印请求的副本[Ref#6],这是我从印度收到的众多文章中的许多有关ICF内爆物理的文章。)假设印度核物理学家的工作人员合理,人们对热核内爆物理感兴趣,在激光焦点和科学中不会遵循这些文章,并理解所陈述的结论吗?我想不是。

我关注的另一个问题是杰克·罗森格伦(Jack W.罗森格伦(Rosengren)宣誓书对人们表示,莫兰德(Morland)的文章在确定“美国热核武器中使用的特定设计方面有很长的路要走”,这使人们感到恐慌。当然,这不是。美国战略核武器采用了辐射内爆的原则,但相似之处结束了。由于多种重要原因,在Morland文章中示意性地说明了二次插图,而不是启发可能成为H-BOMB设计师的融合。(上述“恐慌”的一个例子是,阿尔贡国家实验室的西奥多·A·Postol博士在一个周末午夜让约翰·格里芬(John Griffin)躺在床上,表达了他对罗森格伦宣誓书的影响表示关切的事实。)

我认为,惯性限制融合(ICF)的研究的推力不可避免地会出现“秘密”。Sam Goudsmit的社论“再次保密”在1973年1月1日的物理评论信中提供了ICF将提出的分类问题的早期迹象。[参考#8]即使没有ICF,最终也会出现,但是ICF加速了该过程。DOE未能欣赏这一演变,Arid现在发现自己处于无法对世界各地众多科学家进行常识的概念进行分类的站不住脚的立场。

从积极的一面来看,有两个优势,可以解释辐射内爆原理以及该原理在H炸弹中使用的事实。首先是保密的幻觉提供了一种错误的安全感。如果知道仅有的真正的限制核武器的扩散s the availability of fissile materials, more emphasis would be placed on international control of these materials and nonproliferation would be helped rather than hurt. The second advantage is that progress in the field of ICF would be accelerated. While it is true that it is yet to be learned whether ICF will ever be a practical source of energy, it should not be unnecessarily impeded. It might work.


After considering this material, I hope you will convey to Jeremy Stone your views. I fear that the F.A.S. may be engaged in an ill-informed attempt to salvage what I believe is a lost cause.

Reference List [注意:这些项目后来称为展览]




*4。COK-77-160。1977年11月2日,亚瑟·托马斯(Arthur D. Thomas)致约翰·格里芬(John A. Griffin)的信(SRD)。

5. Article entitled Hydrogen Bomb by Edward Teller in the Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 14, 1976, pp. 654�656.

6. Reprint request card from H. C. Pant, Laser Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay, India.

7.杰克·罗森格伦(Jack W. Rosengren)的宣誓书,1979年3月13日。

8. Editorial: Secrecy Again by S. A. Goudsmit, Physical Review Letters 30, January 1, 1973.

*Document COK-77-160 is not enclosed with this letter. It is to be made available to Professor Bethe by Mr. Sewell at DoE Headquarters in Washington.

[Note: COK-77-160, exhibit #4, was declassified on May 1, 2001 and is printed here, below. Several attempts were made to deliver it to Dr. Bethe during the course of this correspondence, but it is unclear from Bethe's letters when he actually first got to read it.]


November 2, 1977




LLL的Ray Kidder博士在慕尼黑附近的Garching的Max Planck Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut Institut咨询委员会任职了两年。他最近与该研究所的Richard Sigel博士和S. Witkowski博士进行了讨论。(Witkowski博士是激光融合计划的负责人,Sigel博士是他的代表。)Sigel博士说,将光转换为软X射线并使用这些X射线驱动内爆的两步过程在很大程度上消除了处理复杂的光质相互作用的问题的优势。激光将通过孔聚焦到一个空腔,将其捕获并转换为X射线。然后,这些X射线将均匀地照亮目标胶囊,并有效地驱动内爆(由于波长适当的波长)。

Dr. Sigel said he knew this approach was classified. Nevertheless he asked the question raised by these considerations: Should their program for laser fusion concentrate its attention on x-ray implosion, avoid x-ray studies, or what?

Dr. Witkowskl said he felt it was appropriate to study all processes of energy transport that are physically important, neither to stress nor avoid x-ray studies. Dr. Kidder stated that he could not comment on Dr. Sigel s speculations concerning use of x-rays. He did state his belief that the program should study the light-plasma interaction for low, medium, and high-Z elements without prejudice, agreeing with Dr. Witkowski s viewpoint.

该事件主要是因为其明确的性质。几天前,我们从另一个来源听到了Max Planck Institut的科学家意识到辐射驱动的融合靶标的概念。基于日本和加拿大激光融合研究人员对X射线运输研究的越来越重视,基德博士认为他们也知道这一概念。(我们同意他的评估。)意大利人也可能准备好调查辐射内爆目标。


The German scientists (for example) apparently have been willing to follow a tacit "gentlemen's agreement" and keep speculations about radiation implosion and its utility in-house for awhile; but when they have results to report, they will make them public. There is the question of what role we should play with regard to influencing the directions taken by uncleared scientists (In the U.S. and elsewhere). Should the policy be to discourage radiation implosion target work and its publication; to continue to classify information we believe is Important to the development of ICF because the concepts are used in weapons; or to consider the best way to declassify the pertinent ICF concepts in an ICF context? Whatever the decision, it is likely to be widely recognized and discussed publicly-ly in a few years.

This leads to a host of related questions. Is there a real advantage in not talking about radiation-driven ICF? What is the benefit and how important is it? Would release of the radiation implosion concept change the decision of current non-nuclear nations?

We are interested in your views and would welcome further discussion of this subject.



April 17, 1979


非常感谢您向我发送了ACDA的Spurgeon Keeny的材料。我通过Sewell博士的办公室将其分类的部分退还,并保留了未分类的围栏。



CC:D。C. Sewell博士
Dr. Jeremy Stone, FAS


ITHACA, N.Y. 14653

Dr. Ray Kidder
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
University of California
P.O.Box 808
Livermore,CA 94550



图1,Laser Focus,在我看来,唯一一个真正重要的人。它说,鲁达科夫将电子的动能转化为软X射线的能量,然后用来爆内激光融合颗粒。大概在国际上,许多人读了这份报告。但是,本文与H炸弹没有任何联系。

图3,来自科学, makes such a connection, in a rather vague manner. It however does not talk about the x-ray implosion. If some foreigner puts these two articles together, he might possibly get the idea that x�ray implosion is used in an H-bomb--but he has to be very astute to do so. One of the saving graces may be that the most creative scientists do not usually read very much, and especially do not read semi-scientific journals likeLaser Focus科学. So I would consider it is not clear whether weapons scientists in countries dangerous for proliferation have put these two papers together.


Exhibit 7, I do not see what "factual errors" you discern in the Rosengren affidavit. Perhaps you want to write me about this once more. I can be reached again by classified mail on May 8-10 when I shall be in the Boston area... I shall also be at MIT, and could receive a classified letter through any suitable person at MIT.

日语论文图2是关于辐射支持的辐射的学术讨论。第二次世界大战期间,我们在洛斯阿拉莫斯(Los Alamos)知道了这种冲击的可能性,但它并没有给我们任何人,包括爱德华·泰勒(Edward Teller),这是使用这种冲击来制造H炸弹的想法。因此,关系仍然很遥远。


图6是Bhabha原子中心激光部分的印度科学家的要求,仅表明印第安人对激光融合感兴趣。他们可能对H炸弹感兴趣也可能不感兴趣 - 总理Desai表示,他对原子弹不感兴趣,但这当然可以修改。当然,我不会从这个要求中得出结论,即印第安人已经理解了如何制造H炸弹。

Exhibit 8, Goudsmit's editorial, is just a genera1ized appeal against secrecy. From the standpoint of an editor of a physics journal this is understandable, but this is hardly a criterion which can be used for declassification.

You mention in your letter that declassification of the presently "Classified Targets" in laser fusion might help the development of laser fusion. I believe that the groups working on laser fusion at Livermore and Los Alamos are very strong and surely can accomplish the goal if this is technically feasible. I do not believe they need help from people outside the classified community. It has bothered me for a long time that the classified targets use similar principles as the H�bomb, and I therefore have never liked the idea of using a laser fusion power plant in a public utility. This clearly is a point which is far down the road, but I don t think declassification of more of laser fusion is necessary or justified at this point.

一个说服我的论点是,我们应该继续保留H-Bomb Secret的原则是法国人花了很长时间才能进入H炸弹。他们在1958年爆炸了第一枚原子弹,但要进行热核测试已经十年了。尽管他们强烈希望发展H炸弹,并且尽管法国核科学家具有明显的能力,但这还是确实如此。

Clearly some very sophisticated countries, like West Germany and Japan, working on laser fusion, may well get the H-bomb principle. But these two countries have clearly decided not to develop A-bombs, let alone H-bombs. What I am afraid of is the second tier of industrial countries which have not signed the non-proliferation treaty, especially South Africa and Argentina, somewhat less India and Brazil. These countries have competent scientists and some industrial base. But their scientists may not be quite good enough to get the main idea on their own. Serving them this idea on a platter, as the Morland article does, seems to me a very damaging act. It is true that these countries (except India) do not yet have A-bombs, but it is clearly in their capacity to get them. Seeing an easy road to H-bombs can only stimulate them more on to the road to A- and then H-bombs. H-bombs, by their smaller weight for a given yield, will be easier to deliver than A-bombs.

在阅读了莫兰(Morland)的文章和他向法院的宣誓书中,我无法将他的动机解释为除了对美国出版物的恶意之外,我无法看到我能看到的有用目的。他声称,来自其他国家 /地区的间谍可以发现与他发现的那样,我会不同意:遵循我们非常奇怪的开放定律,莫兰德可以使用许多敏感的装置。这种访问显然不会给予南非或阿根廷的公民。

CC:D。C. Sewell博士


May 1, 1979

Dear Professor Bethe:

感谢您的4月17日的来信(未分类),以及您对4月23日(分类)提出的观点的周到且详细的批评,并在4月3日给您的信中包含了展览。有机会阅读参考文献4(COK-7 7-160。我保证,塞维尔先生在DOE总部将提供此文件的副本(如我4月3日的信中所述),但不幸的是不是。




I believe we must assume that a foreign government seriously interested in informing itself about H-bombs would establish a competent HSX for this purpose that would include physicists experienced in hydrodynamics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. The services of capable scientists with these skills are both available*和便宜。这样的HSX肯定会对惯性限制融合(ICF)文献进行彻底,系统的,可能是计算机化的搜索。并不是要忽略与核武器有着密切关系的信息来源,并且与HSX的假定能力不一致。

发布的文章whi的概率ch I have drawn your attention would escape such a systematic literature search is nil, in my opinion. Not only would these articles be discovered but they would excite exceptional interest, since they disclose material stated to be classified.


On the other hand, remarks contained in your detailed critique of April 23 suggest that you envisage an HSX as consisting either of creative scientists who will fail to read the relevant material in the ICF literature, or of (presumably) uncreative weapons scientists who would not be sufficiently astute to see the significance of this material even if they did read it. This is where we disagree.


可能会说,即使H-Bomb的秘密确实可以由有能力的HSX推论,我认为这是Morland文章的出版,也会鼓励各国对H炸弹产生兴趣这样做。这个论点可能有一些优点,没有政府如此迅速地通过未分类的宣誓书(例如罗森格伦)来验证莫兰的文章内容。实际上,世界已被广泛通知世界,只有一个拥有经济学本科学位的人发现了H-Bomb Secret。这似乎为任何尚未知道建立HSX并自己找到秘密的国家提供了充分的鼓励。


我被告知,Doe的Rosengren博士和William Grayson博士已提交了一份宣誓书,试图反驳我对原始Rosengren宣誓书的批评,我将等到我有机会阅读他们的反驳之前,然后再提供更详细的评论来提供更详细的评论您在这方面。在那个tine上,我将回答您的信中提出的其他点,这些积分无法在这样的信中讨论。



May 14, 1979




It is likely that some foreign governments interested in informing themselves of H-bombs would establish a competent HSX. I also agree with your footnote that we only consider those nations X that have the scientific expertise and technology to successfully design and construct a fission bomb.

However, not every nation competent to do so would be seriously interested in informing itself about H-bombs. As you yourself say, on page 2 of your letter, "It might be argued .... that the publication of the Morland article will encourage nations to take an interest in H-bombs that might not otherwise do so." I would go even farther and say that if these governments conclude that H-bombs are feasible for them they might even change their attitude toward nuclear weapons altogether: If they had previously decided not to build nuclear weapons at all, the possibility of going all the way to the H-bomb with its easier deliverability might induce them to go on the path toward nuclear weapons.


关于参考文献4,我相信亚瑟·托马斯(Arthur D. Thomas)给约翰·格里芬(John A. Griffin)的信与其他文件一起发送给了我。但是,我没有办法说这是参考。但是在我看来,这是泄漏缓慢而不是爆发的本质,就像《莫兰》的文章所构成的那样。

Concerning a classified letter to me, I have no plans at present to go to Washington or to Los Alamos. However, I am planning to go to Seattle, Washington. Probably there is no classified mailing address there either, but I shall also go to Hanford, and I am sure there must be a classified address there.




June 8, 1979

Dear Professor Bethe:

Thank you for your letter of May 14. I apologize for not being able to answer it more promptly.

您在信中提出了两个要点,我想发表评论。首先是“如果这些政府得出结论,H炸弹对他们来说是可行的,他们甚至可能会完全改变对核武器的态度:... ...”我同意您的结论是从您的前提中遵循的,但对我来说尚不清楚政府对H炸弹可行性的看法将因其对Morland文章的了解而发生重大改变。










My visit to the Hanford area is still in the future; it will be between July 10 and August 15. I shall be in Seattle for approximately this time, and I shall probably visit the Hanford area at least twice during this period.





Professor Hans A. Bethe
Battelle Seattle Research Center
4000 NE 41街
Seattle, Washington 98105

Dear Professor Bethe:

This note is to inform you that my classified comments concerning your letter of April 23 will be available for you to read at the office of

The documents will be available on August 20, the expected date of your visit to Richland, but will also be available during the previous week of August 13-17 in case you decide to move your visit forward, a possibility you mentioned in our telephone conversation of July 20.


CC:Kenneth E. Sebrell


July 25, 1979

Professor Hans A. Bethe
c/o Mr. Kenneth Jackson
Richland Operations Office
Richland, Washington 99352

Dear Professor Bethe:


With reference to Exhibit 5, the Encyclopedia Americana article on the H-bomb, you state that it "is entirely clean as far as I can tell". I agree that the text is entirely clean but the figures are not. They are properly classified (SRD) according to paragraph 413 of Joint AEC/DoD Nuclear Weapons Classification Guide CG-W-4 which states that

关于图表3,《科学》文章,您正确地指出,本文“不谈论X射线内爆。但是,它确实在8月20日的《苏维埃物理学期刊》中准确地引用了Rudakov论文。描述了X射线内爆(Jetp Letters 24,182,1976,附加了副本),因此将读者引导到此明确的来源。

最后,您指的是“很长一段时间took the French to get to an H-Bomb". This fact by itself does not prove that the long delay was due to ignorance of the radiation implosion concept. Many other diverse factors, technological, scientific, and possibly political, may have contributed to the delay. In any event, the French did not have the benefit of the Rudakov disclosure and the publicity that accompanied it, so that their experience is of limited applicability to the present situation.

Reference List:


2. COK-77-L60。1977年11月2日,亚瑟·托马斯(Arthur D. Thomas)致约翰·格里芬(John A.Note: This is the same as Exhibit #4, attached to Letter #1]


(注意:在1979年7月25日之后不久,它的文件背面上的一张未注明日期的手写笔记。它指的是基德(Kidder)信函中提到的三个项目:即法国H-Bomb计划和展览3和5信函#1。基德认为,贝特在这里说的是图3,关于惯性限制融合研究的辐射内爆的讨论,以及图5,《美国百科全书》中的H炸弹图实际上确实将H-Bomb Secret放置在公共场所在进行进步案件之前的几年。)


Thanks a lot for the interesting documents. I still disagree with your assessment of the French. On exhibits 3 and 5, you are right.