75 Years Ago: The Trinity Nuclear Test



In the decades that followed, nuclear testing contaminated lands, oceans, and people, and triggered a nuclear arms race that continues to this day.美国科学家联合会很荣幸加入我们的同事关心科学家联盟Tularosa盆地往返联盟在一个联合声明在美国及其太平洋领土的受害者遭受的核测试后果,其他五个美国组织对人道主义的后果,来自法国波利尼西亚和阿尔及利亚的法国核试验,哈萨克斯坦的俄罗斯核试验,澳大利亚的英国核试验等。

In addition to these harms, the Trinity test marked the beginning of the global nuclear arms race with its endless cycles of nuclear modernization and competition, which continue to this day.Unlike any other invention, nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy human civilization and much or life on Planet Earth.


  1. 每个核武器国家目前都处于使他们的核武库现代化。一些国家实际上正在增加库存,而另一些国家正在用较新的,更有效的武器换成旧武器,这些武器几乎将持续到21世纪末。
  2. Not only are nuclear arsenals either increasing or improving, but it appears that many states are reinvigorating or even expanding the role of nuclear weapons – specifically tactical nuclear weapons – in their military doctrines. State representatives have often claimed that these deployments are actually intended to防止冲突;但是,无论人们对这种说法有多少股份,许多州现在越来越多地为核战争而姿势。这种发展将使减少核武器的作用并在将来进行大幅减少(当然是裁军)更加困难。
  3. 近年来,我们还看到了对武器控制权的下降以及普遍的不感兴趣。如今,双边和多边武器控制协议已经消失或承受着严重的压力,多边进行真诚降低的努力似乎已经完全停滞不前,而且州似乎对责备和羞辱他们的潜在武器控制伙伴比实际追求更感兴趣在原本无法预测的世界中,可以提供透明度和可预测性的措施。
  4. 似乎没有追求武器控制,而是国家更满足于进行武器竞争甚至军备竞赛。这是新军事竞争的结果,并受到武器承包商和游说者对政府决策的巨大影响的推动。的确,有时核决定似乎是由于公司利益而不是国家安全问题所驱动的,甚至更多。
  5. 核武器国家在很大程度上似乎并不认为核裁军是紧急的全球安全,人道主义或环境的命令。取而代之的是,大多数州似乎认为裁军是不扩散条约要求的一种琐事,而不是他们对在可预见的未来完成的一项杂务。听到核武器国家的任何官员表达了追求裁军的连贯理由,这是越来越罕见的其他而不是根据《非扩散条约》这样做的义务。此外,他们似乎越来越专注于将裁军责任转移到非核国家,因为他们首先必须创造安全条件,从而使核解体成为可能。

尽管三位一体测试发生在75年前,但其破坏性遗产一直持续到今天。尽管有这些伤害,有些politicians甚至想回到nuclea生活的时代吗r testing. Resuming nuclear explosive testing would be taking a monumental step backward and would open the floodgates for worldwide resumption of nuclear testing and development of new nuclear weapons. Instead, on this 75th anniversary, we must look forward, try our best to reverse these worrying trends, responsibly reduce the arsenals and the role that nuclear weapons serve, and work towards a world eventually free from nuclear weapons.

